How do I SAP script to copy and paste, so it can go into excel as Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V doesn't record any sort of actions when recording a macro. I have 6 columns to copy the entirety of:- Document- Cust. No.- Customer Name- Doc. Date- Net Value- Inter...
Hi All,How to insert an IF function into SAP VBA Code so that IF a pop up comes up "Data has been changed:", "Do you want to save the changes?" Yes, No or Cancel and I want to Press Yes and enter to continue but I can't seem to figure this out TIA.
Solved it with an extra few lines of code to auto save before it requests to save.session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").presssession.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[11]").presssession.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Hi,Yes I've tried to google loads but nobody seems to have a similar issue across most forums I've checked and searched.My code below from when it goes into SAP below:This is when a that pop up I've just attached to my original post comes up and it j...