Hi @DucourtyEtan ,It seems to me that you can have some issue with filtering or paging.I will share with you a simplified example of two custom entities with a parent-child relationship. There you also find the example of code that handles filtering,...
Hello @rahuljain257 ,You can use the developer tool of your browser to find out the data source of the application.For example, if you are using Google Chrome, just open your application and press the F12 button to open the developer tool. Also, you ...
Hi @jdpaul_jabez ,Assign the business catalog SAP_CORE_BC_EXT_TST to your user, it should solve the issue.Also you can check following links:SAP Note - https://userapps.support.sap.com/sap/support/knowledge/en/3399748 Documentation - https://help.sap...
Hi @Phuhs,It is possible to hide parameters with conditions. For instance, if we take an action with two parameters, we can hide one of them for Type='API1'.Add boolean field "Param1IsHidden" to abstract entity. This field will be used to hide a para...
Hi Sebastian,You can use the following side effect to refresh only a specific column for all items: side effects
field Quantity affects field _Header._Item.Price;
} Best Regards,Maryia