Hello,does anybody know if it is possible to keep the original text of the individual items forwarded to the period 000 of the new fiscal year with the Balance Carry Forwart task in Group Reporting, instead of the text "BCF"?Thank you! Best regards
Dear SAP experts,could anybody support me with following issue:We have a corporate transaction that causes that Task 2060 Preparation Consolidation Group Changes reverses the investment value and the percentage of group shares with document type 0Z. ...
Hello,I'm trying to run a reclassification where trigger selection is as follow: but the task is not reading document types 0Z and 1Z that comes from the consolidation task Preparation for Consolidation Group Changes:The task should post -100 in FS I...
Hello,thank you for your reply. It's seems that in our GR version 2021 this option is not available. Is there any other way I could proceeded?Thank you, BR