Hi,I am using DISPATCH method in Agent Selection screen ( obj. type WF_TASK ).In description it says that this method could display a list of users butin reality it displays only one item.If anyone was able to display a list would you share how to do...
EDBAST is showing list of IDocs with description and language. I have checked a few tables that I know but still didn't find the one that displays IDoc name and Message type.I need to display IDoc Name along with message type in my application. May b...
Naimesh,if you tell me how to access those elements I would consider my question 100% answered. I tried to open them as text element (standard) but to no awail.Thank you.
I have solved the problem by opening LSMW job, deleting and re-creating one component and saving it.I have concluded that simple transfer is not completely replacing the old LSMW project unless you save new one.Thanks for you help.