Member since ‎2008 Jul 24

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I have a complex report that uses a table name. I would like to turn the table name into a parameter that gets passed to the report from a call. the idea being to change AttendRpt to AttendrptYYYY where the new table name is passed to the repo...
I have four users who use the same table for a report. the user name is name1, name2, etc. and the table is table1, table2 etc. where tables are identical. Can I have one report that references table and then change the table name at logon when I run...
I am running a crystal report using the viewer from vbnet (framework 4.0)  and reports without record selection run as expected.   If I add a record selection such as JobNum > 4000 to the report the report generates and database error code 17 which I...
the tutorial on Adding Ability to Change Database Location at Runtime saysIn this tutorial you will change the name of the Database server, not the name of the Database. It is not possible to change the name of the Database with the CrystalReportV...
We have a Crystal 8 report that runs off a Microsoft Access database in 26 seconds. the same report on the same data runs in 3minutes and 20 seconds in Crystal X1 R(2). clearly i have set something up wrong. what should i look for?