Member since ‎2019 Aug 21

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Hello ABAPers. I want to convert date into English.For example, if the entered date is 11/11/1965, then i want to output it as "Eleven November Nineteen Sixty Five".I have tried some FMs like SPELL_AMOUNT and HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS. But they are not exac...
Hi ABAPers. I have created an applicant infotype 9015. I have different fields in it. Like DOB, Age (to this day). Now I want to do that when i enter DOB, Age (to this day) is automatically get filled out. Kindly tell me what do I need to do to ach...
I am trying to write a functional module to read data from a table and then export it. Issue i am facing is with Function , ENDFUNCTION keywords. It says I need to write FUNCTIONAL-POOL instead of Function. I have tried that also. It didn`t help eith...
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