Good day!
Tell me please where i can find the setting in SAP which can close ability to make over issue delivery?
For example, i have PO ZUB (between one company). Ordered 100 car, how i can avoid situation where delivery can be over issued - in ...
Good day.
We faced issue during use vl10a transaction.
The point of poroblem: we have two types of customers order units of messaure - CAR and PC (you can this settings in xd03 transaction - section Sales Area Data, Uom Group) and some of custome...
Thanks a lot for yours answers! We decided that users will use vl06o transaction and search for fract values(we created layout which shows fract in deliveries) and change deliveries via vl02n before warehouse take in work this deliveries.
Hello.Why? No, problem appears during delivery creation proccess via transaction vl10a. All SO which are we using is correct. If we delete this delivery and recreate new delivery based on this SO we wouldn't have this problem. But the main question w...
No, it doesn't matter, problem appears during vl10a creation process. All SO are correct and if i delete delivery with fract value and recreate it problem wouldn't appear