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Member since ‎2009 Apr 13

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Hello Gurus,I have to implement following sequence control for process order ,Please guide how it can be done with least cutom developments. Is there a Qc mechanism which will refer to previous Batch and check its QC parameters for on line inspection...
Hello Gurus,Hello Brahma, Sharath,Mangal,Sagar,Dogboy  etcc.etc..awaiting all Gurus Valuable sugesstionsI have to implement following sequence control for process order ,Please guide how it can be done with least cutom developments. Is there a Qc mec...
Hello Gurus,We are having MTO scenarios . We have MRP jobs which create the relvant Planned orders for the SO items.Now issue is in COHV mass conversion of Production orders . Whenever there is a Planned order to be converted whose SO has " CREDIT bl...
Hello Gurus,Can you suggest a solution for this scenario..Plant A  is the Ordering plant which gets Cus Orders , Plant B is the manufacturing plant which recevs the requirement and sends FG to AThis is a tycpical STock transfer scenario basesd on Spe...
Hello Gurus,Need your expert advice or Docs if anyNeed advice on E2E sceanrio on this scenario in details(a)Plant A recvs Sales order from Customer . However after MRP run this requiremenmt is passed on to Plant B (in same Co Code) through Special pr...