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yo easy-ui5 project error

0 Kudos

how to solve this issues?

Run yo easy-ui5 --plugins to print all relevant version strings

<code> _-----_     
|       |    ╭──────────────────────────╮
|--(o)--|    │  Welcome to the easy-ui5 │

---------´ │ 3.6.3 generator! │ ( _´U_ ) ╰──────────────────────────╯
/A\ /
| ~ |
´ |° ´ Y

Node.js: v18.18.2
yeoman-environment: 3.19.3
generator-easy-ui5: 3.6.3
home: /Users/gabrielsanroman/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/generator-easy-ui5
pluginsHome: /Users/gabrielsanroman/.npm/_generator-easy-ui5/plugin-generators

Available generators:

  • ui5-project: 0.3.1

Browser/version (+device/version):

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Step 1
    Install NodeJS version 18
  2. Step 2
    npm install -g yo generator-easy-ui5
  3. Step 3
    execute yo easy-ui5 project

What is the expected result?

project generation

What happens instead?

myUI5App@0.0.1 lint-fix
eslint .//webapp//.js --fix && prettier --plugin-search-dir=. --write .//webapp//.{js,xml} --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern

[warn] Ignored unknown option --plugin-search-dir=..
uimodule/webapp/controller/App.controller.js 26ms
uimodule/webapp/controller/BaseController.js 10ms
uimodule/webapp/controller/MainView.controller.js 1ms
uimodule/webapp/model/formatter.js 1ms (unchanged)
uimodule/webapp/model/models.js 2ms
uimodule/webapp/test/testsuite.qunit.js 3ms (unchanged)
[error] No parser could be inferred for file "/Users/gabrielsanroman/SAP/com.myorg.myUI5App/uimodule/webapp/view/App.view.xml".
[error] No parser could be inferred for file "/Users/gabrielsanroman/SAP/com.myorg.myUI5App/uimodule/webapp/view/MainView.view.xml".
✖ An error occured while running ui5-project:app#end
Error easy-ui5 project

Command failed with exit code 2: npm run lint-fix

Any other information? (attach screenshot if possible)

It seems it picks up prettier version 3.1 instead of 2.8.8 and fails on a deprecated option

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 13 46 01

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 13 47 22

0 Kudos

how to solve this error?

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