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XSA Cross-MTA Dependency with UAA

Active Participant

I have been having an issue with my Launchpad implementation when enabling UAA in my UI5 app. I hoping I could get some advice on the correct configuration?

The configuration is XSA Fiori Launchpad, Cross MTA, UAA Auth. The UI5 app is referenced by destination as it is hosted in a separate MTA.

All of the source is available on github under the UAA branch:

When I enable UAA authentication on my UI5 application the demo UI5 app runs when launched directly but I am unable to navigate to the application from Fiori Launchpad.

The error in the console when clicking the tile is:

Error: found in negative cache: 'launchpaddemoapp/launchpaddemoapp/Component.js' from /launchpaddemoapp_dest/Component.js: Unexpected token '<' at makeNestedError ( at requireModule ( at requireAll ( at Object.r [as require] ( at at new Promise (<anonymous>)

When loading the component.js, the following html is returned in place of the component.js content. This looks to contain some redirect code but obviously cannot run in this context:

<html><head><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><script>document.cookie="fragmentAfterLogin="+encodeURIComponent(location.hash)+";path=/";document.cookie="locationAfterLogin="+encodeURIComponent(location.href.split('#')[0].split([1])+";path=/";document.cookie="signature=SS6p9Zjvm68tnTr0cos3BNf0phE%3D;path=/";location="!i2&"</script></head></html>

I have also noticed that the callback address in the script is incorrect:

The actual address using destination is:

The last 6 characters are cut off from the destination name.

I have also experienced this when calling a javascript service from a UI5 application when both are hosted in separate MTA's.

Any and all help is appreciated, Thanks,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I have made some progress on this issue today by switching the @sap/approuter to @sap/site-app-server. The launchpad scenario appears to be solved, I will continue to test my remaining scenarios. As this has been a difficult configuration I will make sure to document my solution in the near future.

I am still unsure weather I will need to get the scenario using the approuter working



**EDIT: My latest configuration

**EDIT: I have moved the example branch from the question to the following location

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

great work Bigsmity! You've helped me find the right information on setting up and slitting out my MTA files to a more manageable structure.