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What das WDR stand for in the context of Web Dynpro?

0 Kudos

Hi there,

I am new to Web Dynpro and just trying to get along with the new abbreviations like FPM, GAF, UIBB, WD, WDA and WDR

While I now know that

  • FPM stands for Floorplan Manager
  • GAF stands for Guided Activity Floorplan
  • UIBB stands for UI Building Block
  • WD stands for Web Dynpro
  • WDA stands for Web Dynpro Application

I was unable to find out what WDR stands for.

The only thing I could find is: Recording a Web Dynpro Application, so I'd guess that WDR stands for Web Dynpro Record (without knowing what that is exactly).

Would be great if there was a list explaining all of the abbreviations used by SAP

But due to the lack of that, any help or confirmation of my guess would be greatly appreciated.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Where exactly did you find the abbreviation WDR? On a user interface? As part of documentation?

F1 Help and SAPedia don't have this abbreviation.

In the docu link you've provided above, it might even mean "Web Dynpro runtime".

0 Kudos

Hi Andrea,

thank you so much for your reply.

I came across WDR e.g. in
Customizing Web Dynpro Applications (→ S_WDR_P13N),
Web dynpro for abap sample programs. | SAP Community (→ WDR_TEST_EVENTS, WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS) or
wdr:select_options and highlight Error Message with a Link to Inputfield | SAP Community (→ WDR_SELECT_OPTIONS)

But your answer pointed me in the right direction and looking at e.g. SAP ABAP Class WDR_TASK I would agree, that WDR indeed might stand for Web Dynpro Runtime.

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