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WETextArea in WebElements

Former Member
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I have one question regarding WebElements.

Is it possible to configure user rights in Crystal Report in the way that one user gets read/write rights for the WETextArea and another other user only read rights?

If yes, how can this be done?

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Former Member
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I don't think we can control on user rights from crystal reports. May be this is not possible.



Former Member
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Can this be controled via InfoView?

The Problem is how can I differentiate between users who can write and save text to a database and users who should not be able to write into the text box?

Can this perhaps also be configured in the SQL Server?


User 1 has the rights to write back text into the database

User 2 has the rights only to read from the database so he can only generate the actual data from the database.

If user 2 tries to write text to the database, the database should return a error message or similar.

Is this possible with any of the following tools: InfoView, Crystal Reports or SQL Server?

Has anyone experience with this?

I appreciate your help.

Best Regards

Former Member
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Crystal reports or Infoview these are reporting / read only tools. Using these tools you can extract data and show in a readable format. You canu2019t sent any rights based on users to write /read database.

Yes, it is possible through SQL Server. As an Database Admin you can create users and define rights like read / write or read only.



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you can hide a field / formula / formula containing webelements based on the current enterprise user name. therefore you could hide a wetextarea control.

however, you'd need to know which businessobjects enterprise user names actually have read vs. write rights in the database. this isn't available in infoview or the cmc as this is database users as opposed to enterprise users.

so the solution would be to manually write out the enterprise users in the formula that contains the wetextarea control...

if CurrentCEUserName in
[ "GBlanstein", "Donnie", etc.] then WETextArea(...)
else "You don't have the rights to enter info here."

Edited by: Jamie Wiseman on Oct 21, 2011 11:06 AM