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WebDynpro Java DC - Error: Default Plugin, compiled failed

0 Kudos

Hi, everybody. I hope that you're okay.

My problem's a little similar that I found in this community - questions:

  1. Build stopped due to an error: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. [Error: co...
  2. NWDS Build error Error: Thread[ModalContext,6,main
  3. I am getting a build error in NWDS

But, these don't resolve my problem, yet.

I imported and migrated a WebDynpro Project from DTR system. This application was building with NW 7.0 and I migrated to NW 7.3, JRE 1.6.

When I build the component in DC:

In Infrastructure Console, show me two errors:

The error 1, I don't understand the reason, if I have configured with JRE version correct.

In the second error, I review the build.log, but I don't see any error:

Development Component Build (2019-07-30 15:46:23 GMT-05:00 (COT))

  Component name: home/km_orig/java/utils

  Component vendor:

  SC compartment: xxxx.com__KM

  Configuration: EPD

  Location: EPD

  Source code location: http://xxxx.xxxx:50000/dtr/ws/EPD/xxxx.com_KM/inactive/DCs/

  DC root folder: C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\home\km_orig\java\utils\_comp\

  DC type: Java

  Host: host

DC Model check:

   DC is available locally

   validating dependency to build plugin ""

   validating dependency to used DC ""

   validating dependency to  public part "api" of DC ""

   validating dependency to used DC ""

   validating dependency to  public part "api" of DC ""

   validating dependency to used DC ""

   validating dependency to  public part "api" of DC ""

   DC model check OK

Start build plugin:

   using build plugin:

   starting build plugin from : C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\tc\bi\bp\javaLib\_comp\gen\default\public\saplib\

Build Plugin 'JavaPlugin', Version 7.30 SP 14 (NW731CORE_14_REL, built on 2014-10-03 20:18:46 +0200, CL202496)

   development component:  home/km_orig/java/utils (

      software component:  xxxx_KM (

                location:  EPD

                    type:  Java

           build variant:  default

         source location:  http://xxxxxxx:50000/dtr/ws/EPD/xxxx.com_ORIGINACION_KM/inactive/

         output location:  C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t2\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\default

       generation folder:  C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C

       plugin start time:  2019-07-30 15:46:23 GMT-05:00 (COT)

                 Java VM:  Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, 25.151-b12 (1.8, Oracle Corporation)

General options:

  convert *.xlf to *.properties: yes

  include sources for debugging: yes

Checking path lengths for sources

Path length checks finished in 0.005 seconds

Preparing data context..

Data context preparation finished in 0.034 seconds

Creating Ant build file..

  Creating output file: C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t2\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\default\logs\build.xml

  Using Java class:

Build file creation finished in 0.087 seconds


Starting Ant..

  Using build file:     C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t2\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\default\logs\build.xml

  Using build target:   build

  Using Ant version:    1.7.1



      [echo] Forking Java compiler as a new process: C:\SAPJVM\sapjvm_6\bin\javac.exe

      [echo] Settings:

      [echo]         debug: on

      [echo]      optimize: off

      [echo]   deprecation: default

      [echo]       verbose: default

      [echo]      encoding: UTF-8

      [echo]        source: 1.6

      [echo]        target: 1.6

      [echo]   source path: C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\home\km_orig\java\utils\_comp\src

      [echo]    class path:

      [echo]       C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\tc\bl\logging\api\_comp\gen\default\public\api\lib\java\tc~bl~logging~api~defaultttt.jar

      [echo]       C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\tc\je\usermanagement\api\_comp\gen\default\public\api\lib\java\tc~je~usermanagement~api.jar

      [echo]       C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\tc\km\frwk\_comp\gen\default\public\api\lib\java\tc~km~frwk.jar

      [echo]    output dir: C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\classes

     [javac] Compiling 9 source files to C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\classes


Ant runtime 0.145 seconds


Ant build finished with ERRORS

Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Build stopped due to an error: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.


Build plugin finished at 2019-07-30 15:46:23 GMT-05:00 (COT)

Total build plugin runtime: 0.435 seconds


Build finished with ERROR

==== Post-Processing ====   started at 2019-07-30 15:46:23.916 COT

Copy the build logs

  from: C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\t2\E591BFB353F017D399FCBE3D6D7A067C\default\logs\

  to:   C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\\home\km_orig\java\utils\_comp\gen\default\logs\

Build results in folder C:\NWDS 7.31\nwds-extsoa-7.3-EHP1-SP23-PAT0004-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\xxxx\home\km_orig\java\utils\_comp\gen\default\ remain unchanged.

However, I don't see any error message into the build.log file.

But, I open Error Log view and I see that:

With this information, it isn't enough, for me, to determinate which is the origin of this error.

I tried to add some DCs into dependencies:

I really appreciate any comment.

Thank you so much, for your help.



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