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'Versioning' option not visible in Details->Settings Menu

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I have developed a custom repository manager, XXRepositoryManager. I have done the following steps to implement Versioning for my custom repository manager.

1: My custom repository manager XXRepositoryManager supports all the versioning options available from

2: I have a class XXVersioningManager which implements the IMutableBasicVersioningManager.

3: I have configured XXVersioningManager for my custom repositorymanager in the ContentManagers->Repository Managers section on the portal.

4: I have also configured all the repository services available for this custom manager in the ContentManagers->Repository Managers section.

5:Checked the UICommandGroup DetailsSettingsGroup. This includes the commandlist DetailsSettingsSecondGroup , which includes ‘Versioning’ command.

In spite of this, I still am not able to get the option <b>'Versioning'</b> in my <b>Details->Settings</b> menu. Am I missing any configuration here? How can I enable/disable versioning on my custom repository manager without this option being available to me?

<b>Version used: NW SR1 (Stack 9).</b>

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Thanks Julian for the response.

So if the folder and the children within are not automatically versioned, Can I still get access to the methods in XXVersioningManager which implements the IMutableBasicVersioningManager?

For example, when I 'Edit Locally" a document, I get the options 'Check In Now, 'Check In Later' and 'Cancel Local Editing'. When I click the 'Check In Later' option, the control should get passed to the 'checkOutInPlace()' method in XXVersioningManager. In my case it doesn't go to any method in XXVersioningManager except ' isVersionControlEnabled()' and 'getVersionHistory()' methods. Would this be because I don't have the folder/resources automatically version enabled?



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No, that's because what the UI displays as "checkin" really doesn't have anything to do with versioning. It's really only Upload + Unlock.

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Thank You for the response.

The repository manager I mentioned is not configured based on the repository managers provided by KM. I have developed a custom one (based on the SimpleRepositoryManager sample) for a backend document management system (hosted on LiveLink Server). I have extended the functionlity to implement IMutable interfaces for namespace, property, content and versioning managers to suit our needs. I am able to display and browse the backend content with metadata and do various other repository functions, with the exception of Versioning.

Any idea what else I could be missing?



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the KM UI (sadly) is not fully in sync with KM's versioning APIs. The folder option you're looking for ("versioning") does <i>not</i> enable versioning for the folder itself, but changes the folder to a so-called "enhanced" mode, in which all <i>children</i> of that folder become automatically versioned.

I'm not sure what the UI does to find out whether the repository manager supports that extension, and also I'm not sure whether this is documented at all. You may have to open an OSS message.

Best regards, Julian

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Knowledge Management provides various repository managers for different types of data and data sources. For example, data can be stored in a file system, or made available through a WebDAV server. To be able to use Knowledge Management functions on this data, you must configure a suitable repository manager for each data source.

Depending on the type of repository manager, you cannot use some Knowledge Management functions.

Which kind of repository have you created ?
