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User Interface for BPS Planinc

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What is a common way for users to execute planning applications?

I've read about planning folders but still dont understand the user interface. (via BEx?etc. Roles?)

We're not using any web functionality. Please suggest a user-friendly way to execute planning.

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Former Member
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Hi Frank,

In planning application create planning area, then planning level. then manual planning. Under Manual Planning create layout. While creating layout you select the option of Excel or SAP ALV grid.

Its better that you create layout with Excel and then using BPS_WB create web interface for this excel. Then user will need to use the web interface. This is easy way.

Regards: Gaurave

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos can create folders and bring the BPS layouts and variables into the folders. You can bring in multiple layouts into the folders. If you need web based, then create web interface for the folder. You have a simply step for this. Then execute the web interface.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for you replies.

I'm trying to avoid web functionality for now.

I was wondering...what is the purpose of the menu "Planning Applications" available under "Business Explorer" through Start menu.?

Can we open the folders through here?

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi....planning folders doesn't use web. Through Bex, i think you can open only Bex queries, Bex Web (WAD).