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User Decisions Options and Deletion indicator questions

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Hey Workflow experts ..

I created a custom workflow to generates an approval decision for any new created PM order which is working fine .

i have 2 small issues one of them is if can i add an option in one of the the User Decisions to display 'to be released order' as one of the decisions (Approve - Reject - Display ) PM order from WF inbox .

The other issue can I stop the user from releasing the order until the Manger approves the created order ? I red something about deletion indicator is it the same thing .



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any idea how can i loop back to the workitem ?

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Put the workitem in the loop.

It's fine if you want to put a new or additional question in a new thread, but then please close the old one (i.e. this one).

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Problem with your flow is that if the manager clicks display, the workflow completes and s/he no longer has the option to approve. So you need loops and stuff. But there's a simpler way:

Copy the decision to your own task (use button left the task ID in the WF builder's step screen).

  • Add a container element of type PM order.
  • Bind your workflow's PM order into the task.
  • It should now show up as a clickable link in the decision.

Managers can click on it as many times as they like while keeping the decision in their inbox.

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i didnt get this part

Copy the decision to your own task (use button left the task ID in the WF builder's step screen).

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As Mike suggested, just pass the object that you want to display to the user decision task in your user decision step. That is, put it in the binding (workflow -> step).

You can delete the Display option in your user decision step.


Rick Bakker / hanabi technology

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ok and then  create a new container in the task then bind the 2 containers in the user decision ?

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it worked .. but i needed it as one of the user decisions the display screen just showed up

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Then you'll have to make a loop, so that it goes back to the workitem after the Display step.

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i thried secondary method nothing shows i even debugged when it was one of the user decisions (Display order) the order is passed correctly .. but if there is no order no i get the first screen to enter the order its seems like it running in background ..

for 2nd if I use Wait for Event step before release step in the workflow and trigger event after manager approve the order in your workflow , will that prevent any user from releasing the order  throw IW32?

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These are the settings

how can i know if it a background task.?

can u guide me throw how to make an option to display the order in iw33 ..

and thank you all for your replies 

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  Yes your task is dialog step not background. How do you know the workflow is completed. share you step log screenshot.

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WF log

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I doubt you really want the workflow to complete after the PM order has been displayed.

Try using a Secondary Method in the user decision instead to do the display.

Or make it loop around (after a display) to generate the workitem again.


Rick Bakker / hanabi technology

0 Kudos

Can you post the graphical Workflow log as well? Also, for testing, check the confirm end of processing button, this will help you to see if it is skipping right trough your display step.

From the log you posted it is not visible whether the Workflow made it to your step, or past it, whether the agent was correctly assigned etc.

Also, instead of putting the display step in the decision, maybe try adding it before the approval step.

Not perfect, but much easier, the Superior first displays then approves.

Lastly, can you run the Display method manually? The problem could be Delegation(Probably not, but worth a look)

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no i dont want the workflow to be completed i just want to show the order in the display mode so the approver can decide ..

I tried to sdd secondary Method but it will not work  ..

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How did the secondary method not work - is there an error message?

In any case, you could always just loop around instead after a Display and go back to the workitem.


Rick Bakker / hanabi technology

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  You can add outcome to User decision step.

For the 2nd case you can use Wait for Event step before release step in your workflow and trigger event after your manager approve the order in your workflow.

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Ive added outcome but noting shows it just stopped or completes the WF

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Did you activate it properly. check the log what error comin

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Yea it is in workflow log isnt showing any errors 

im using the BO BUS2007 - display method ..

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What does the Wokflow Graphical log say after you test it? Does the track run all the way through?

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what is the type of Task for the order display. If it is background task. Then it is completely right it will complete the workflow.

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In response to your first question. The deletion indicator will be set after the rejection, meaning that it will be deleted if rejected. But it will still have posted first. You just need to find the field for the deletion indicator for the BO and do a container operation for it after rejection.

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If it was an automatic posting step it would have to be Background. Display tasks work fine as Dialog tasks.

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Hi Reinier,

       Yes you are right. I just want to check what type of activity step he used and why the workflow is completed. Is everything he maintain right or not as he already said it is custom workflow he made