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Uploading Hierarchies from Flat Files

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I am trying to follow the following instructions:

[Uploading Hierarchies from Flat Files|]

I am new to SAP BW and find the instructions very hard to follow. The instructions seem to expect me to know a great deal more than I actually do at each stage. I have created a Flat File (.CSV) with the columns specified (NodeId, Iobjnm, etc) but I don't understand the relationship of Datasources, InfoSources etc on the way to actually getting the Hierarchy loaded into my InfoObject.

I have just about mastered the process of loading data from flat files through InfoPackages, DataSources(7.x), DSOs, Transformations and on to InfoCubes. So I understand the basics of creating InfoObjects and Transactional and Master Data.

Any advice, more detailed instructions welcome.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Check this link out

I just did a couple of days ago what you are trying to do and this link was helpfull

Another one might be usefull


Edited by: Nicolas Nevers on Oct 10, 2008 3:52 PM

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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hi Ted Davis

Can you tell me steps to create hierarchies when you do from R/3 & when you do through Flat file??


BI Learner

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Sorry, I don't know about loading Hierarchies from R/3, only flat files. (Although I believe it is similar)

For flat files I just put together information from the links provided previously in this thread:-

1. Create InfoObject upon which you want to load the Hierarchy;

2.Under InfoSources, on an appropriate Application Component, right-click and choose Additional Functions >> Create InfoSource 3.x; (the 3.x is crucial for Hierarchy uploads)

3. In the Create dialog, choose Direct Update and specify the InfoObject created in 1. above;

4. Now, you should see your InfoObject in the InfoSource tree; right-click it and choose Additional Functions >> Generate Export Datasource;

5. On the Hierarchy Context menu, choose Additional Functions >> Create Transfer Rules;

6. Assign a Source Sytem to the InfoSource;

7. Choose Hierarchy as the object for which you want to create a Source System;

8. You end up with TRANSFER RULES and EMULATED 3.x DATASOURCE in your tree;

9. Activate the Transfer Rules (?); in Change mode for the Transfer Rules click Hier. Structure button;

10. Name and give a Description to new Hierarchy(ies) - you can create multiple Hierarchies for this InfoObject - you get an InfoPackage for each Hierarchy;

11. To enable the Hierarchy to impose an order, check the Sorted Hierarchy box;

12. Create the InfoPackage(s) for the Datasource, on the External data tab, set all the appropriate stuff for the impiort of the text file (file name, type etc) (on my dialog the tantalising Preview button is permanently disabled);

13. On the Hierarchy Selection tab - guess what? select the Hierarchy;

14. On the Processing tab, you can check the Update Subsequently... box; if there are no errors, this will automatically go on to populate the Hierarchy; otherwiswem, you have to click Process Manually on the monitor, after the InfoPackage has run...

15. On the schedule tab, click Start.

Best of luck - I still find it very confusing, but I have managed to Upload a few Hierarchies.


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Beware there are two very slightly different SAP Libraray docs about this:-

1 includes the "Create InfoSource 3.x" step, the other doesn't. I needed to use this step.

(Sorry, I've lost the URLs)

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For BI 7.0 basic step to laod data from flat (excel files) files for this follow the beloww step-by step directions ....

Uploading of master data

Log on to your SAP

Transaction code RSA1u2014LEAD YOU TO MODELLING

1. Creation of Info Objects

u2022 In left panel select info object

u2022 Create info area

u2022 Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area

u2022 Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement

u2022 Create required info objects and Activate.

2. Creation of Data Source

u2022 In the left panel select data sources

u2022 Create application component(AC)

u2022 Right click AC and create datasource

u2022 Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( master data attributes, text, hierarchies)

u2022 In general tab give short, medium, and long description.

u2022 In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )

u2022 In proposal tab load example data and verify it.

u2022 In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.

u2022 Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.

u2022 Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )

3. Creation of data targets

u2022 In left panel select info provider

u2022 Select created info area and right click to select Insert Characteristics as info provider

u2022 Select required info object ( Ex : Employee ID)

u2022 Under that info object select attributes

u2022 Right click on attributes and select create transformation.

u2022 In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored

u2022 Activate created transformation

u2022 Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes

u2022 In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)

u2022 In update tab specify error handling ( request green)

u2022 Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.

4. Monitor

Right Click data targets and select manage and in contents tab select contents to view the loaded data. Alternatively monitor icon can be used.

BW 7.0

Uploading of Transaction data

Log on to your SAP

Transaction code RSA1u2014LEAD YOU TO MODELLING

5. Creation of Info Objects

u2022 In left panel select info object

u2022 Create info area

u2022 Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area

u2022 Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement

u2022 Create required info objects and Activate.

6. Creation of Data Source

u2022 In the left panel select data sources

u2022 Create application component(AC)

u2022 Right click AC and create datasource

u2022 Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( Transaction data )

u2022 In general tab give short, medium, and long description.

u2022 In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )

u2022 In proposal tab load example data and verify it.

u2022 In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.

u2022 Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.

u2022 Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )

7. Creation of data targets

u2022 In left panel select info provider

u2022 Select created info area and right click to create ODS( Data store object ) or Cube.

u2022 Specify name fro the ODS or cube and click create

u2022 From the template window select the required characteristics and key figures and drag and drop it into the DATA FIELD and KEY FIELDS

u2022 Click Activate.

u2022 Right click on ODS or Cube and select create transformation.

u2022 In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored

u2022 Activate created transformation

u2022 Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes

u2022 In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)

u2022 In update tab specify error handling ( request green)

u2022 Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.

8. Monitor

Right Click data targets and select manage and in contents tab select contents to view the loaded data. There are two tables in ODS new table and active table to load data from new table to active table you have to activate after selecting the loaded data . Alternatively monitor icon can be used

Please go through the following Thread :

hope it helps

