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Upload GL account maintained in other language

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I want to upload GL account at CoA level which is maintained in other language (non EN)

While doing upload default language is EN for SKA1 even we maintained mutiple language in SKAT (One of which CoA maintenance language also)

So CR validation thows error as GL description is not maintained in CoA language. There is no lanuage key for target entity srtucurs ACCOUNT.

Can any body provide help on this?

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Hello Sanjay

1. Check whether the ACCOUNT entity type is language dependent (in data model). - With this language key is set as primary key - i.e mandetory.

2. Then NWBC select - Entity type - ACCOUNT and Type of transfer Language dependent text.

Before that you have to load all the accounts in MDG.

Check it and let me know if it works.


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Hi Kiran

Do you mean I need to unseleck language dependent Text checkbox from data model?

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Hello Sanjay

No. Select the tick. Don't unselect it.


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Hi Kiran

Then is any other suggestion?

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Any suggestion means?


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How to upload other required language GL account?

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Create similar layout in ECC. Take the data in File and load this file in MDG with language dependent text...


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Hi Sanjay,

Are you doing file upload or import.

In file upload there are two type of transfer "Attribute" and Language dependent text.

When you are using the type of transfer Attribute, you need to maintain the description in the COA language in the uploading file. and then upload.

If you want description in any other language, then use type of transfer Language dependent text and create a file for upload with different language keys.



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Hi Reema

I am doing file upload for GL account.

For some GL I am using COA whose language is maintained in non EN.

As need to create account first and upload description when I try to upload it by adding attribut LANGU in upload file and Type of Transfer is Attribute only it says account is not maintained in German lanuage

This is as per SAP help

You can upload texts directly in the respective logon language using the Attributes transfer type.

When you upload language-dependent texts, you must always fill in the Language Key field

In simple term I want to include Language key in MDG source structure for entity type account with type of transfer as arttribute

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Is this resolved.,Please help with solution

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello monicag,

please follow the steps mentioned by Kiran.
