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@UI Annotation for Smart Filter Bar in Freestyle Application

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In my freestyle Fiori application I am using Smart Filter Bar.

UI annotations are added in the Metadata Extension file for the CDS.

CDS is exposed as OData V2 - UI using RAP.

However the Smart Filter Bar in the freestyle application is ignoring the UI annotations. But it works as expected in the Fiori element application.

Please let me know what is wrong. Thanks!

View with Smart Filter Bar. 'ValueKey' is the alias entity name.

Metadata Extension file for CDS.

Smart Filter Bar appears as below. All the fields from entity 'ValueKey' is available to choose from Filters.

Thank you!

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Hi sreekanthpavoor,

The property entitySet in SmartFilterbar should match the entity name in the OData metadata.

In your case, I guess it's 'xxx_I_ParamValueKey'.

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Hi mioyasutake,

I have given an alias name (ValueKey) for the CDS in the Service Definition.
So, entity name is correct and I can see all the fields in the filter. This I have mentioned in the screen shot 3.

But I need only three fields in the filter bar and they should be visible by default. This is what I was trying to achieve through UI annotation.

