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Transports sent to QA all turn to RC 8

0 Kudos

We are creating a freash new landscape, we developed a new system and now transporting freshly (all new) to QA for first time in this new landscape.

All our Transports are failing , procedure we are following for the transports sequence is

1. All ECC transports

2. Info object catalogs and Inf Area collected from RSOR (RSA1 --> transport connection) we are selecing necessary objects for all in manual collection mode RC 8

3. Key Figures (RC 0)

4. Characteristics , custom , manay of them have SAP standard info objects as their attributes (0CUSTOMER etc)

5. Characteristics (BI content) , there are around 800 objects collected for this that includes characteristics, application components , inf oareas

  this has failed for a dependency

6. How do i resolve this,while sending BI content info objects shall we select our only custom info objects and collect only necessary objects and right click to TRANSPORT ALL BELOW, but this will select all Application componnets , inf o areas etc what is the right procedure of getting away from this problem of collecting BI content inf o objects when I have only a few custome info objects to be sent.

7. what is the best way to collect inf objects from RSOR, we have been doing by collecting necessary objects for our Info Object catalogs

Error log below

Start of the after-import method RS_IOBJ_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) IOBJ (Activation Mode)

Hierarchy characteristic 0SEM_CGCOMP of characteristic 0COMPANY is not active

Attribute 0C_CTR_AREA from characteristic 0COMP_CODE not (actively) available

Attribute 0OFYEAR from characteristic 0COMP_CODE not (actively) available

Attribute 0OFPER from characteristic 0COMP_CODE not (actively) available

Attribute 0OFPER3 from characteristic 0COMP_CODE not (actively) available

Attribute 0RETROPOST from characteristic 0COMP_CODE not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_LOCATIO from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0COMP_CODE from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0OBJ_CURR from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0RESP_PERS from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_LOCATIO from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0RESP_USER from characteristic 0COSTCENTER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CURTP_PCA from characteristic 0CO_AREA not (actively) available

Attribute 0FM_AREA from characteristic 0CO_AREA not (actively) available

Attribute 0CCA_HIENM from characteristic 0CO_AREA not (actively) available

Attribute 0PCA_HIENM from characteristic 0CO_AREA not (actively) available

Attribute 0ACCNT_GRP from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0BPARTNER from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUST_CLASS from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUST_MKT from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUS_F_CONS from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0DBDUNS_NUM from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0INDUSTRY from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0KEYACCOUNT from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0NIELSEN_ID from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0OUTL_TYPE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0POSTAL_CD from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0ACCNT_GRP from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0ADDR_NUMBR from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0AF_CUSTDC from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0AF_CUSTID from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0ALTITUDE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0APO_LOCNO from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0BPARTNER from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CITY from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CITY_2 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUST_CLASS from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUST_MKT from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0CUS_F_CONS from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0DBDUNS_NUM from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0FAX_NUM from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0ID_TXNUMB3 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0ID_XCPD from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0INDUSTRY from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_CODE_1 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_CODE_2 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_CODE_3 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_CODE_4 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_CODE_5 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0KEYACCOUNT from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0LATITUDE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0LONGITUDE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0NAME from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0NAME2 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0NAME3 from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0NIELSEN_ID from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0OUTL_TYPE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0PCOMPANY from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0PHONE from characteristic 0CUSTOMER not (actively) available

Attribute 0EXTMATLGRP from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_AGENT1 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_AGENT2 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_AGENT3 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_ANESIND from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_APPRTYP from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_ATCCODE from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_ATCMTYP from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_CATIND1 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_CATIND2 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_CATIND3 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_HAZMIND from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0HC_IMPMIND from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0IND_SECTOR from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0MATL_CAT from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0MATL_TYPE from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROD_HIER from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RF_BNDID from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RF_FRECHAR from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RF_SIZE2 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_WGH1 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_WGH2 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_WGH3 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_WGH4 from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_COLOR from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_CONFMAT from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_PRBAND from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_PRRULE from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SEASON from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SEAYR from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SIZE from characteristic 0MATERIAL not (actively) available

Attribute 0FRE_PLNPUR from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0FRE_SELCLS from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0MRP_CONTRL from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PUR_GROUP from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_DEPARTM from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_PURCHAR from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SERVLEV from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0ABCKEY from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0CO_AREA from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0DEL_FLAG from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0DISMM from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0DOC_CURRCY from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0GR_PR_TIME from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0INHSEPRODT from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0MRP_CONTRL from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PLND_DELRY from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROCTIME from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PRODSCHED from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PUR_GROUP from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0REPLENTIME from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_CURUOM from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_MVF from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RPA_QTYUOM from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_DEPARTM from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_PURCHAR from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SERVLEV from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RT_SSMFGR from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RUNOUTDATE from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

Attribute 0SETUPTIME from characteristic 0MAT_PLANT not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PROMOTY from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PROMOCT from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PROMOTY from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RF_REFPRID from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RF_REFPROM from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PRSLFRM from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PRSLTO from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PRMTYPE from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PRCTYPE from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_CREADOC from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  Attribute 0RT_PRCREAP from characteristic 0RT_PROMO not (actively) available

  InfoObject 0PLANT (in compound of characteristic 0STOR_LOC) not (act.) available

  Attribute 0BPARTNER from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0DBDUNS_NUM from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0INDUSTRY from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0POSTAL_CD from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0ACCNT_GRPV from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0ADDR_NUMBR from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0ALTITUDE from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0BPARTNER from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0CITY from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0CITY_2 from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0DBDUNS_NUM from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0FAX_NUM from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0ID_TXNUMB3 from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0ID_XCPD from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0INDUSTRY from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0LATITUDE from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0LONGITUDE from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

  Attribute 0NAME from characteristic 0VENDOR not (actively) available

Attribute 0INV_REASON from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0OBJ_CURR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PLANT from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PRIORITY from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROFIT_CTR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROG_DEF_S from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROG_POS from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PROJECT from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_APPLNO from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_LEVEL from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_PRJTYPE from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_RESPNO from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_XSTAT from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0REQU_CCTR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0RESP_CCTR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0SCOPE from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0STATUSSYS0 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0WBS_ELM_EX from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0FIELDKEY from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR1 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR2 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR3 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR4 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR5UNT from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR5 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR6UNT from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR6 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR7CUR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR7 from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Attribute 0PS_USR8CUR from characteristic 0WBS_ELEMT not (actively) available

Hierarchy characteristic 0SEM_CGCOMP of characteristic 0COMPANY is not active

Characteristic 0MOVE_PLANT: Referenced characteristic 0PLANT not (actively) available

Characteristic 0MOVE_PLANT: Referenced characteristic 0PLANT not (actively) available

Hierarchy characteristic 0SEM_CGCOMP of characteristic 0COMPANY is not active



Start of the after-import method RS_IOBC_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) IOBC (Activation Mode)

Error when checking the InfoObjectCatalog ZT_CAT

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

InfoObject ZCEIP is not available in active version

Check the InfoObject Catalog in the dialog

Error when checking the InfoObjectCatalog ZCRT_CAT

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

InfoObject ZCEIP is not available in active version

Check the InfoObject Catalog in the dialog



Start of the after-import method RS_ODSO_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) ODSO (Activation Mode)

InfoObject 0RT_PROMO is not available in version A

InfoObject 0RT_PROMO is not available in version A

InfoObject 0RT_PROMO is not available in version A

InfoObject ZCDTCLEIP is not available in version A

InfoObject ZCEIP is not available in version A

InfoObject ZCEIP is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0RT_PROMO is not available in version A

InfoObject 0COMP_CODE is not available in version A

InfoObject 0DOC_NUMBER is not available in version A

InfoObject 0CO_AREA is not available in version A

InfoObject 0COSTCENTER is not available in version A

InfoObject 0CUSTOMER is not available in version A

InfoObject 0STOR_LOC is not available in version A

InfoObject 0VENDOR is not available in version A

InfoObject 0PLANT is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0NETWORK is not available in version A

InfoObject 0PROFIT_CTR is not available in version A

InfoObject 0WBS_ELEMT is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MAT_PLANT is not available in version A

InfoObject 0DISMM is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MOVE_PLANT is not available in version A

Inconsistencies found while checking DataStore object ZT_O001

InfoObject ZTCLEIP is not available in version A

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0DISMM is not available in version A

Inconsistencies found while checking DataStore object ZT_O002

InfoObject 0MATERIAL is not available in version A

InfoObject 0DISMM is not available in version A

Inconsistencies found while checking DataStore object ZT_O003


error 4 :Info cube

Start of the after-import method RS_CUBE_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) CUBE (Activation Mode)

Error when checking InfoCube Z_I001

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

InfoObject 0COMP_CODE is not available in active version

Check the InfoCube online

Error when checking InfoCube Z_I002

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__0EXTMATLGRP does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__ZEIP does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__ZDMDPL does not (actively) exist

Check the InfoCube online

Error when checking InfoCube Z_I003

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

Check the InfoCube online

Error when checking InfoCube Z_I004

InfoObject 0COMP_CODE is not available in active version

InfoObject Z9AMAT is not available in active version

Navigation attribute 0COMP_CODE__0COMPANY does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute 0COMP_CODE__0COUNTRY does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__0DISMM does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__0MATL_GROUP does not (actively) exist

Navigation attribute Z9AMAT__0PLANT does not (actively) exist

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Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Its clear from your error that all the IOs are not active in QA system first transport all the inactive IOs to QA and later transport your IO.

All the below 1-4 error message are one and the same - failed due to inactive IOs in the QA system... first transport all the inactive objects and then transport the main object.

As you said its a new land scape first transport all the IOs later transport the ICs DSOs etc....

Hope its clear.



0 Kudos

The confusion i am getting is do i need to collect the activation of Business content inf objects in a Transport request and send to QA.

As currently the business content info objects are already activated in DEV , What is the collection option i need to give ?

Do i need to only collect by infobject catalogs in RSOR for my Z info objects and select Transport all below, so that it collects everything whatever is needed (appl components, inf o areas , dependent refe inf objects etc)

please tell me the right approach to deal with this issue

0 Kudos

The confusion i am getting is do i need to collect the activation of Business content inf objects in a Transport request and send to QA.

As currently the business content info objects are already activated in DEV , What is the collection option i need to give ?

Do i need to only collect by infobject catalogs in RSOR for my Z info objects and select Transport all below, so that it collects everything whatever is needed (appl components, inf o areas , dependent refe inf objects etc)

please tell me the right approach to deal with this issue

0 Kudos

I am also using the program below to check consistency of the tasks in the transport request


but when i check the transport request for Inf obj catalogs and info area which was the first request that was sent it is showing as consistent.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi ALi,

Yes you need to collect all the BI content objects as well as the Z Info Objects created by you.

The BI content objects are active in DEV not in QA n PROD systems right? then you need to transprot all the BI content active objects to other environments as well.

Collective option - Collect Automatically.

FYI: If the IO which is not tranpsorted at all to other system,then the system automatically select TICK mark for the IOs which need to be transported.

You can check the PACKAGE details, if the objects are not tranpsorted then the package assigned will be $TMP.

Follow the below steps to transport to QA n PROD systems

--> collect IOs

--> DS

--> Transformations

-> DTPs n IPs

--> ICs

--> DSOs

--> MPs

--> Info sets

Collect all the Objects separately and transport, it will be easy for you to rectify the error if any transport gets failed.



0 Kudos

Collecting Info objects should be by using Info Object Catalog , or I have to individually select all the missing info objects and collect them in RSOR then use necessary objects with automatic option ?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Transport only the missing inactive objects not all the BI content Objects which are not bing used at all currently.

0 Kudos

It looks like some info objects got activated in the first transport we sent, so now the new transport i send whihc will have all the missing and their referneces to dependent info objetcs , will i have to requeest to send the transport as Overwrite Originals option to the target QA system.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

1 TR - failed right?

Now collect what are all the inactive objects which are shown in the error logs and collect them into New transport request.

Transport the 2nd request and reimport the 1st transport.

Hope its clear.
