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Texts having language column blank are not extracted to BW

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0 Kudos


We are extracting customer texts from R/3 to BW.

In R/3, some of the texts for which langauge field values are blank.

And the respective texts which have some values ( say E and D )in R/3

are extrated to BW with out any hassles!Problem is with the blank

language texts! They are not coming to BW! we have made the texts

definition as language independent.

Is there any solution for this problem other than filling the blank

columns? Any help shall be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Warm Regards,


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Answers (1)

Former Member
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BW is sending an IDOC requesting the texts in all languages installed in BW; sonce it doens't request the language " " (<empty>), you don't get it; this is the default behaviour

There is the following workaround:

- in your TEXT Trules UNmap SPRAS to 0LANGU

- populate 0LANGU via a routine (RESULT = TRAN_STRUCTURE-SPRAS

- activate your TRules

- in your IPack, the SPRAS field will appear in the selection; leave it empty

- the system will request then all data, regardless the language key.

Hope this helps...


Former Member
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Hello Oliver,

Thanks a lot or your inputs. But we tried the work around suggested by you.After activating transfer rules,we have not observed 0langu field selection in


we have tried even the following alternative work around too!






But still we are unable to extract the texts of blank language fields.

Any other inputs from your end.

Thanks a Lot in Advance,

Warm Regards,


Former Member
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in your TRules

please make sure that 0LANGU has a red cross in the mapping and that the rule field is empty in the CommStr/TRules pane.

In the assign IObj-Field pane you need to clear the IObj input for the field SPRAS.

Reactivate your TRules and perhaps recreate a new IPack based on these texts datasource. You should definitively see SPRAS in the selection tab of you InfoPackage.

hope this helps...


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Hi Olivier,

I am also having same problem!

In infopacakage i could see the language selection, i kept it empty and uploaded,

But loading failed!

In PSA , i am observing those records which has language filed some value are in green status and the blank ones of course are in red.

when i click the long texts i got the following info in the pop up window:


The data record 59 & with the key '0000000060 &' for characteristic

& has a blank language key.

System response


If this message appears during a data load, maintain the attribute in

the PSA maintenance screens. If this message appears in the master data

maintenance screens, leave the transaction and call it again. This

allows you to maintain your master data.

Any suggestions?



Former Member
0 Kudos

OK but now you are one step forward since you have records with an empty language extracted into your PSA...

Now you'll have to deal with this situation via a routine because you can't load empty language texts in your IObj as the system complains.

Write a routine like you wrote above but the issue is that you might end with duplicate records since it can happen that the same IObj key can have a record with language E and language <empty> if you now say IF SPRAS IS INITAL THEN LANGU = 'EN' then you'll have a duplicate record....

I have indicated how to load empty languages key as you requested; note that this is an unexpected situation which shoudl not happen in the source system.

Now you have to manage this situation but the best would be to ask the reponsible R/3 folks to fix this problem in the source system....

hope this helps...
