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System information in SAP Analytics cloud not complete and correct.


Hello Experts,

I have one observation on SAC system information. I think it used to come properly before but not sure if this is a bug or this has been done on purpose.

If we go to System --> Monitor --> Overview from the main menu on the left side, the page display license information and system information.

Under system information there are 3 information displayed -

1. Data center location provisioned

2. System Type

3. UI Access Path.

My question is on the 1st 2 parameters.

The project I am supporting right now has 2-tenant SAC landscape 1 non production and 1 production.

When I log on into the non-Production tenant nothing is appearing for the Data center location provisioned

parameter. I think I observed the same missing information in my last project as well.

Also, for the 2nd parameter I expect it to be TEST but it is appearing as PRODUCTION.

Looking at this system information section is it no longer possible to get Data Center or System Type information?

Any thought?


Supriya Das

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

I get some update from SAP.

They are removing the system type information from version 2020.20.

Active Contributor

Hello Supriya Das,

I just checked my tenants (CF and Neo)

System Type is missing and 'data center location provisioned' is blank.

No much updates about this in help documentation aswell.

BR, Prabhith

0 Kudos

Thanks Prabhit,

Yes, nowhere I get any information on that and not sure if it's a defect or it has been done on purpose.