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SUM 1.0 SP14 03, How do I start multiple processes of SUM on the same host?

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We have a BW DEV ABAP system and a BW DEV Java system on the same host. We would like to run SUM in parallel, or at least run the preparation phases in parallel. In previous SUM version (i.e pre SP13) you could STARTUP with httpport syntax to run it on a different port, hence starting several parallel SUM processes, but how is this working on SP14 and the new way of starting SUM using STARTUP confighostagent <SID>?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


I start with the second part of the answer:

you do not start the SUM with "STARTUP confighostagent" - this statement is only required once to register the SUM to the SAP Host Agent (latest SAP Host Agent patch is required). The start of the SUM happens only when you enter the URL and the browser sends the HTTP request to the SAP Host Agent, which in turn will start the SUM (after credentials are provided).

The registration creates configuration files for the SAP Host Agent (folder operations.d).

Now the first part 🙂

Although we only have one port 1129 (for HTTPS; 1128 for plain HTTP), the URL contains the SID of the respective system. The configuration files contain the mapping from the URL to the path where the SUM is located. This mapping includes placeholders for the SID.
So a prerequisite is that both SUMs reside in the "usual" path: /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM. Otherwise the mapping will not work.

Regards, Boris

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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please sure, that the following files look like this:

PATH: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d





Username: $[SID:#required#tolower]adm

Workdir: /usr/sap/$[SID:#required]/SUM/abap/
ResultConverter: flat

cat sumobserver.conf




Username: $[SID:#required#tolower]obs

Workdir: /usr/sap/$[SID:#required]/SUM/abap/doc

ResultConverter: flat

0 Kudos

This worked for years, but now we have the issue that the second SUMS hangs half of the time, if we kill it the browser continues immiediatly, but somtimes this doe snot work and you can't see the progress of one off the SUMs, because it's not updated.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

An additional aspect is the shadow system: SUM creates shadow instances on the host, and you have to use the expert mode to manually determine instance numbers, so that there is no overlap in instance numbers across the different SUM runs on the same host. Not sure if this is related to the issue you report.