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SQLA17 for json clause issue with nullable objects


Assume I have the following to tables with data

create or replace table tbl_Parent (Id integer default autoincrement,Father varchar(64));
create or replace table tbl_Child  (Id integer default autoincrement,ParentId integer,Name varchar(64),Gender varchar(8),Age integer);

insert into tbl_Parent(Father) values ('Peter Tosh');
insert into tbl_Parent(Father) values ('Jim Carrey');

insert into tbl_Child (ParentId,Name,Gender,Age) values(1,'Jawara' ,'Male'  ,40);
insert into tbl_Child (ParentId,Name,Gender,Age) values(1,'Andrew' ,'Male'  ,38);
insert into tbl_Child (ParentId,Name,Gender,Age) values(1,'Niambe' ,'Female',37);
insert into tbl_Child (ParentId,Name,Gender,Age) values(1,'Aldrina','Female',35);
insert into tbl_Child (ParentId,Name,Gender,Age) values(1,'Steve'  ,'Male'  ,33);

I created the following domains:

create domain domain_Child row( Name   tbl_Child.Name%type
                               ,Gender tbl_Child.Gender%type
                               ,Age    tbl_Child.Age%type);
create domain domain_Parent row( Name     tbl_Parent.Father%type
                                ,Children array of domain_Child);

I have created the following function:
create or replace function GetChildRows(in in_ParentId integer)
returns array(32) of domain_Child
  declare array_Child array(32) of domain_child;
  select array_agg(row(Name, Gender, Age)
                   order by Age)
  into variable array_child
  from tbl_Child
  where ParentId = in_ParentId;
  return array_Child;
I want to create a proper json using the following statement
create or replace variable array_Parents array of domain_Parent;

select array_agg(row( Father,GetChildRows(Id)) order by Id) into array_Parents from tbl_Parent;

select array_Parents as Parents for json raw;

The following result is returned:
[{"Parents": [{"Father":"Peter Tosh",
              {"Father":"Jim Carrey",
However if I want to sort the parents on the name of the father
create or replace variable array_Parents array of domain_Parent;

select array_agg(row( Father,GetChildRows(Id)) order by Father) into array_Parents from tbl_Parent;

select array_Parents as Parents for json raw;

This will result in:
[{"Parents": [{"Father": "Jim Carrey",
               "Children": []
              {"Father": "Peter Tosh",
               "Children": [null,null,null,null,null]
This is probably caused by the fact that the first Children object has no result and then the array of the second object for some reason is cleared.

How can I create a case to report the issue and hopefully get it solved as soon as possible?

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I wildly assume this bug is somewhat related to the shortcomings of sa_parse_json() you have also stumbled upon:

SQL Anywhere seems to go wrong when converting between JSON objects with varying structure (say, arrays of varying cardinality) and its own arrays of arrays with different cardinalities - and vice versa.

I don't know whether OR JSON EXPLICIT would solve the issue, however, it would certainly be way cumbersome.

In your two samples, I think the bug has to do with the fact that the first sample returns 5 for the first sub-array and 0 for the second, whereas in the second sample it's vice versa – which of course is correct, I just suspect that this influences the FOR XML RAW behaviour:

select cardinality(array_Parents),

As to bug reporting: AFAIK you can do so via your support contract, or use this forum to do so.

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