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Some PI Doubts

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Could you please throw some light on following:

How do we execute a Proxy scenario and what and all the steps will take to test the proxy?

Correlation: I need a exact definition for correlation: I searched the sdn but I couldn't.

Message Control in IDoc??

What should be the answer for the question: What is landscape of your client??

Routing Rules??

Difference b/w HTTP and HTTPS?

What is registered server program??

Thanks in advance...


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Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Ramesh,

Please have a look at the following link which might be of help to you

Best Regards

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ramesh,

in interview some body asked these quesstions,as per sdn rules its not a advicable to answer your questions

How do we execute a Proxy scenario and what and all the steps will take to test the proxy?

Suppose you developed ABAP Proxy to send the data to SAP ECC,for that you have to develop ABAP Program to read the data from XI and send it it ECC,first you have to set some configurations in XI and SAP ECC,You have to provide sccuseful conenction to XI to ECC.required setting refer you need to configure XI Adapter as receiver.

while executing just execute end to end,the data wil send it SAP ECC.there is no much complex,its standard way of executing.

Correlation: I need a exact definition for correlation: I searched the sdn but I couldn't.

Coreaaltion it self say realtion between messages,suppose if you are reading many messahes from source system,your condition is you need to stop at one point and need to send to receiver system,

how you give condition is based on corealtion filed,imagine first message has ID segemnet and when ID of first messGE EQUl to the last message ID then collect all messages as one message.

here coreation need to define in bpm.

What is landscape of your client??

Landscape means if you implemented SAP XI as middleware in clinet landscape , XI used to conect different systems like SAP ECC,ORACLE,MQ depends upon client.

Routing Rules??

Defined condition at received determination.

Difference b/w HTTP and HTTPS?

HTTPS uses secured protocol.

