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SLT Replication JOB fails after every 100 batch

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We are using SLT along With SAP Data Intelligence and Trying to fetch a big amount of data and writing into S3.

In SLT Connector V2, Records per roundtrip is set to - 100000

Total Number of records we are tying to fetch is around 350+ Million.

Now When the Batch count reaches till 100, the transaction gets stuck and after ~1 hour, We get following error from SLT shown below.

And after this error if we try to re run the graph again, it resumes the execution but we have to do it after every 100 batch which is not good.

Is there any limitations on SLT side or something? Please guide us because it is decreasing our Productivity at a drastic level.

Hoping to hear from this wonderful community soon.!



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Samarth,

the records per roundtrip seems to be quite high for me. Depending on the record size / table width usually a number between 2.000 and 50.000 is being used. For wider tables with a large record size I would recommend to lower the value for records per roundtrip. Too large values can lead to problems and e.g. cause a high memory usage in your source system.

In general, I would recommend to install the latest available SP of your DMIS AddOn incl. all relevant and known Notes for that particular release in the DI Note, e.g. here for DMIS 2018 SP06:
If latest SP + all relevant Notes for this SP are installed and the issue remains, you can also open a support incident and let our colleagues check it.

Kind regards,
