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SIS - is there .Net version of the light weight polling API dll?

Former Member

I'm using SQL Anywhere and I am trying to connect our desktop version of the application to our mobilink notifier without having the dblsn screen pop up. It is my understanding that there is a Light weight polling API provided for this (written in C). Is there somewhere I can get a .Net version of this?

I checked the SIS_CarDealer_LP_API sample and got it to run. I tried to write a wrapper class for the mllplib12.dll. This is my first wrapper class. I can get the MLLPCreatePoller and MLLPDestroyPoller to work. But now how do I get the SetConnectInfo and Poll methods? Please tell me there is somewhere I can get a .Net version of this dll.


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Product and Topic Expert

desktop version of the application to our mobilink notifier without having the dblsn screen pop up

See CR #668832 - the switch "dblsn -qi" (which was accidentally missed in the documentation) should give you this exact behaviour. This switch is valid for all builds/versions of SQL Anywhere 11 and 12.

(Aside: "dbmlsync -qi" is also valid and was missing in the documentation - this is covered underneath CR #668833)

Please tell me there is somewhere I can get a .Net version of this dll.

As you have surmised, the Lightweight Polling API is written in C. We do not have a .NET version of this API.

What you could possibly do is follow along with the LWP API sample ( %SQLANYSAMP12%\\MobiLink\\SIS_CarDealer_LP_API ), but instead of building an EXE as the final step, build a DLL with exported method signatures. Once you have the unmanaged DLL built, you should be able to call the DLL file via Platform Invoke from your .NET application.

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