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simple value set

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Hello Friends,

I am extending one view, on this view there are two inputfields are defined with f4 help. I have added another input field, and have to add f4 help button ( i tried to do the same as other two fields are defined )

I looked into the wdinit method, and found something like this:

IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo = wdContext.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("FileName");

ISimpleTypeModifiable fileNameType = attributeInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();

IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo1 = wdContext.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("ReportType");

ISimpleTypeModifiable reportTypeType = attributeInfo1.getModifiableSimpleType();

IWDMessageManager msgMgr = this.wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager();

Zport_Get_Tables_Input input = new Zport_Get_Tables_Input();


IModifiableSimpleValueSet valueSet = fileNameType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();

for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeZrpt_Table().size(); i++)


valueSet.put(wdContext.nodeZrpt_Table().getZrpt_TableElementAt(i).getTabname(), wdContext.nodeZrpt_Table().getZrpt_TableElementAt(i).getDdtext());


valueSet.sort(true, true, true);


// Set field label and populate valueset


IModifiableSimpleValueSet valueSet1 = reportTypeType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();

for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().size(); i++)


valueSet1.put(wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().getZrpt_TypeElementAt(i).getDomvalue_L(), wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().getZrpt_TypeElementAt(i).getDdtext());


valueSet1.sort(true, true, true);


Can any one pls make me sure, if this is simple value set, if yes, I want to read and understand this svs, is there any good documentation, which describes svs ( so that first I can make the concepts and then try to implement the input fields )

Thanks and kind regard,

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Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

problem solved,; opening new thread for RFC calling for inputfield f4 help....


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Shah H

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ..

Go thru this.. U can get an idea abt SVS..

<a href="">SVS</a>


Former Member
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please also let me know if the code which I pasted is using SVS ?


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This is SVS created in runtime...


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Hello Sathishkumar,

Thanks yaar for your input;

I think I also want to know, for display f4 help, do I need to attatch a table with this node ( the table which I should have to bring from back-end system ? or I have to call RFC which attatch a table with this node ?


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For <b>SVS</b>, you will be using the <b>DropDown</b> UI Element.

For <b>EVS</b>, you will be using the <b>InputField</b> UI Element.

Here, the code is creating valuesets at runtime. If you are using <b>DropDownByKey</b> to show these data,it is <b>SVS</b>.

If you are using <b>InputField</b>, then it is <b>EVS</b>.

If the number of elements is around 30 use SVS, if greater, use EVS.



Former Member
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Hello Prabhakar,

In view I have input fields, so it is EVS ?

Can you pls link me to any good documentaion ( where steps by steps description given what to do inorder to achieve EVS ) ?

I suppose I have to call a RFC too ?


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Shah H

Former Member
0 Kudos


Follow this <a href="">Link</a>.

If you are using Backend Data. Get the data, and place them in valueset, as done in the above code.

i.e. in this part...

for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().size(); i++)


valueSet1.put(wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().getZrpt_TypeElementAt(i).getDomvalue_L(), wdContext.nodeZrpt_Type().getZrpt_TypeElementAt(i).getDdtext());



Former Member
0 Kudos

this docu I have already found, thanks...

I just have to know how I can call the RFC inorder to take the table which I have to assign on f4 help ( the table which will be displayed when user clicks on f4 help )


Former Member
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okey, I can display the input field with f4 help button (how ever instead of showing 40, it shows only 1 entry).

for (int i = 0; i < 40 ; i++)


valueSet2.put("key_" + i, "Country " +i );


valueSet2.sort(true, true , true);


Now I have to call the RFC with appropriate values, and bring the table inorder to display in f4 help.

Is there any example avaiable ?


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Shah H

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Shah H