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select query with for all entries not fetching the records

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HI gurus, I am uploading excel file with bukrs gjahr augbl utr_no and utr_date into internal table gt_upload.
I have moved only 3 fields from gt_upload to lt_upload bukrs gjahr and augbl by looping gt_upload( though ideally not required to do so)

MY requirement is to fetch records from bseg based on bukrs gjahr augbl and shkzg as 'S'.

The lt_upload contains 126 records of which 125 records not exist with bukrs gjahr and augbl in the bseg itself as due to old data and quality system has not yet refreshed. I can see the last record exist in the bseg table.


I should get at least this record into my lt_bseg but, lt_bseg is showing 0 records.


I believe as per my understanding there should be 1 record which matches the criteria and I should get 1 record in lt_bseg which is not

What all are the possible reasons that it is not getting fetched from bseg when the criteria is satisfied ?

Active Contributor
Impossible to say without seeing your upload file, but remember to be mindful of conversion exits and whether or not you are searching with a value that would be displayed externally vs. the internal value you need to use for querying the database (specifically leading zero on AUGBL).
0 Kudos
Thanks for response. If that was issue I should not have abled to fetch single record as shown in the first image where I can fetch with out using '*7000003*' at table level. It might be because bseg is cluster table, belnr might be mandatory field in where clause.............let me give a try with augbl using conversion exit
What you said is correct Ryan-Crosby . it is working now. Thanks alot.
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IF you are using FOR ALL ENTRIES, please fetch all the key fields in your SELECT and try.

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