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Screen Personas: update drop down from backend VRM_SET_VALUES

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We are having an issue with screen personas. We have two dropdown lists and when selecting something in the first one, the second one should be updated with values (empty from the beginning).

In GUI it is done by fetching the values in backend and calling FM VRM_SET_VALUES. This updates in GUI but seems to do nothing in Screen Personas leaving the drop down list empty.

Should we use another FM? Creating a script does not seem like a feasible solution as the data can only be found using the SAP backend.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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My good collegue found the issue. It seems that there is some general SAP problem if the listbox ID (name) is more than 40 characters long. The type allows for it in FM VRM_SET_VALUES and it works fine in the GUI. Even when debugging the Javascript the name was not visibly shortened, but trial and error finally showed the error.

The simple solution of course: rename any listboxes with ID's longer than 40 characters.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I guess you are dealing with custom dropdown value fields added in your flavors.

It seems you could have a script attached to the onSelect event of the first dropdown, based on this KBA. The script would call some FM to retrieve the desired values and use this KBA to populate the second dropdown.

If the FM building the dropdown values is not remote-enabled, you'd need to wrap it with your custom remote-enabled FM of course, and add that to the list of allowed RFCs.

0 Kudos

Yes you are correct, it is a custom made program and screens, I should have mentioned that. It is build mostly with local classes, but wrapping that specific functionality in an RFC FM to be called from a script sounds like a feasible solution.

We will play around a bit and I will update the thread with the result. Any other suggestions are of course still welcome.

EDIT: I see that you probably mean a custom screen personas drop down, it is not, it is a dropdown from the backend screen, and it works as expected in the GUI. Still this could be a solution, but we will start by trying to force the refresh maybe using a different FM or similar.