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Scope and Efforts Analysis - Clone Finder results are not available in the system

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Is anybody help me to solve an error in "Scope and Efforts Analysis"?

An error:

Clone Finder results are not available in the system 'SMA', so a new Clone Finder Run was started to analyze the system 'SMA' for clones.

Step: Provide Similarity (Clone Finder) data (Screenshot 1).

Application Log - Screenshot 2.

I tried to fix it using a transaction CCAPPS (Analysis Custom Code) and running "SAP Clone Finder" manually in background mode. This run finished success. (Screenshot 3).

In ST22, no dumps are available.

I have checked these notes, and they aren't relevant to me.

2296620 - SEA/Scope and Effort Analyzer - Similarity data is too old

3202533 - SAP Clone Finder doesn't detect a cloned method

I would like to take some help to solve this error.

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Hello friend, today I am facing the same issue you had in my SolMan 7.2 SP13 system, but I haven't quite understood how the problem was resolved. If you could describe it to me or get in touch, I would be grateful1.png2.png
Kind Regards.
Matias Prado