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SAPUI5 Deployment To ABAP Problems

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Hello all, hope you're all doing well,

I'm having trouble deploying one singular application from BAS. When I try to deploy the application the the abap-repository I first got the error "SAPUI5 component xyz resides in multiple repositories". I was able to resolve that by deploying these other applications under their own name.

Now after that when I try to deploy the applicaton again I get the error "Folder utils has children and can't be deleted". Undeploying the application also does not work and I get the error "A dynpro popup has been opened during processing".

When checking the repository through SE80 I don't see any children in the utils folder. There are also many files in the format of UI5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the folder PageFragments/Seitenfragmente that seem to be various controllers, formatters, etc.

Manually deleting the application seems to work but isn't a viable fix. I'd appreciate any insights you might have.

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Hi David,
we have also faced this issue and our analysis (debugging OData Service /UI5/ABAP_REPOSITORY) showed that this error occurs if the directory name can be found as substring in the name of the other folders (for example "util" and "utils") - it confuses the service. Solution here could be renaming application's directories so that they are completely unique.

Kind regards,

Tatiana Lebedeva