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sapse/abap-cloud-developer-trial:ABAPTRIAL_2022_SP01 licence problem

0 Kudos

I am trying to create a container in Docker Desktop, and after entering the command:

docker run --stop-timeout 3600 -i --name a4h -h vhcala4hci -p 3200:3200 -p 3300:3300 -p 8443:8443 -p 30213:30213 -p 50000:50000 -p 50001:50001 sapse/abap-cloud-developer-trial:ABAPTRIAL_2022_SP01 -agree-to-sap-license -skip-limits-check

I encounter an issue with the license, even though the "Days to expire" is 491. Can anyone advise me on how to proceed?

C:\Users\Mizi4> docker run --stop-timeout 3600 -i --name a4h -h vhcala4hci -p 3200:3200 -p 3300:3300 -p 8443:8443 -p 30213:30213 -p 50000:50000 -p 50001:50001 -v C:/Users/Mizi4/license.key:/opt/sap/ASABAP_license sapse/abap-cloud-developer-trial:ABAPTRIAL_2022_SP01 -agree-to-sap-license -skip-limits-check

You have accepted the SAP Developer Center Software Developer License Agreement
by passing the parameter -agree-to-sap-license.
You can read the license text in the file /SAP_COMMUNITY_DEVELOPER_License
in the image.
Hint: docker exec -it a4h less /SAP_COMMUNITY_DEVELOPER_License

WARNING: the following system limits are below recommended values:
(sysctl kernel.shmmni = 4096) < 32768
(sysctl vm.max_map_count = 262144) < 2147483647
(sysctl fs.file-max = 1517899) < 20000000
(sysctl fs.aio-max-nr = 65536) < 18446744073709551615
Hint: consider adding these parameters to your docker run command:
--sysctl kernel.shmmni=32768
Hint: if you are on Linux, consider running the following system commands:
sudo sysctl vm.max_map_count=2147483647
sudo sysctl fs.file-max=20000000
sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=18446744073709551615
sapinit: starting
start hostcontrol using profile /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile
Impromptu CCC initialization by 'rscpCInit'.
See SAP note 1266393.
Impromptu CCC initialization by 'rscpCInit'.
See SAP note 1266393.
sapinit: started, pid=14

HDB: starting

10.12.2024 19:44:05

10.12.2024 19:45:17
HDB: started, pid=597

hdb_license_update: starting
Retrieving HDB license information
HDB Hardware Key : hidden by me
HDB Expiration Date: 2026-04-15 23:59:59
Days to expire : 491
Not updating HDB license: the file /opt/sap/HDB_license was not found
hdb_license_update: started, pid=1698

asabap_license_update: starting
Retrieving AS ABAP license information
E 423 likey_admin_clt: likeyper_get_all_records: DB read failed with db_rc = 6.
E 96 likey_admin_clt: Couldn't get the list of all records from the
SAP License Key Administration - Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 SAP AG

System ID. . . . : A4H
Hardware Key . . : hidden by me(of this computer)
Installation No. : *** Error ***
System No. . . . : *** Error ***
Release. . . . . : 793
Software products: NetWeaver_HDB
asabap_license_update: the start command failed, exit code=2

Application Server: starting

10.12.2024 19:45:20

10.12.2024 19:45:34
Application Server: started, pid=1878

Worker Processes: starting dependencies
uuidd: starting
uuidd: started, pid=2249
Worker Processes: started dependencies
Worker Processes: starting

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