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SAPConnect :: FAX uses wrong FROM address

0 Kudos

Hi guys,

We've successfully upgrade our old 4.6C system to SAP ECC6.

We still have a minor issue with sending faxes.

We've installed a Hylafax-server which will send the faxes using a modem.

On this Hylafax server, a mail relay server is installed as well.

Basically SAP (SAPConnect using communicationmethod FAX) will send an email to the Hylafax server with a PDF attached. This email will be received by the mail server and hylafax will fax the PDF attachment.

Hylafax will then send an email back to the address shown in the "FROM" field of the email to indicate whether the fax was sent successfully or not.

Now... everything works perfect, except SAP always sends the email to the fax server with "from" address "0000000000000000@<domain>" instead of the SAP user's emailaddres filled in using SU01.

The weird thing is that we tested this before the upgrade on a test SAP server, and it worked on the test machine..

Also, on the same SMTP node, using communication method "INT (internet)" it works perfectly.

But using communication method "FAX", this problem occurs.

Does anyone has any suggestions on what could be the problem?

At this oment I'm running out of ideas.

Many thanks in advance.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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> Also, on the same SMTP node, using communication method "INT (internet)" it works perfectly.

Since your "fax" by sending email, why not use INT then if it work?


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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We solved this behaviour with adding a new paramter in the SAPconnect Paramater table.

In SOST click in the menu on Utilities -> General Parameters and add the parameter: SMTP_USE_EMAILADDR_FOR_FAX_SENDER with the value X.

In SU01 you have to maintain the e-mail address field for each user who sends a fax.

Edited by: Oliver Wiesemann on Apr 21, 2011 11:38 AM

Former Member
0 Kudos

This sounds like the ideal solution. Thanks for sharing the info.


Former Member
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Try using an online [fax SMTP|] service (like this one). There are usage examples that might save you some trouble.

Former Member
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We have faced same/similar problem.

We use SAPConnect SMTP for fax. Faxes geet forwarded as SMTP mails to a fax service provider, and gets faxed from there. SAPConnect picks user's email address from user master as "Sender" address. It is working perfectly fine in R/3 4.7 production environment.

We upgraded the system to ERP 6.0 EHP4 on a sandbox server. Now the SAPConnect behavior changed. Instead of using the email address from the user master SAPConnect picks the Fax Number from the usermaster and forms the sender address as "Fax=+faxnumber@defaultdomain". Now our Fax service provider cannot recognize the sender, and rejects/drops it.

WORKAROUND: One workaround that we found was to delete the fax number from the user master. Now SAPConnect falls back to email address from user master. (SAPConnect trace shows "Sender address for communication method FAX not found", "Use e-mail address for sender").

Hope this helps.


Kuriakose Varghese

Former Member
0 Kudos


Have you tried putting their email address in their Fax field in SU01? It may not be passing the email address when it's a fax.



0 Kudos

Both faxes and emails are already used in our environment and I believe it's not possible to create two SMTP nodes.

I use "FAX" for faxes (another domain will be used so the mail server knows it's a fax), while using "INT" our standard email domain is used for sending emails.

If I'm not mistaken a message saying a wrong fax format is used when trying to enter an email address in the fax field.

Also, on our test system it worked fine.

Thanks for the replies though.

Anybody have some other suggestions
