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SAP R/3 Unifier - Drag & Relate - Project Generation

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This is with regards to Drag&Relate using SAP Unifier.

We are supposed to get the R/3 TRansactions available as Drop Targets in the Navigation panel of the EP 6 SP2.

My configuration is as follows:

1. Portal Configuration

I have a EP6 SP2 instance up and running

Win 2003 Server/MSSQL 2000 sp3/Patch 3/Hotfix 4.

2. SAP R/3 System

I have an R/3 4.7 Enterprise IDES instance running on AIX.

I have configured the Portal with a System Definition whose Connector parameters point to the R/3 4.7 Enterprise Host and its relevant ITS parameters set to the ITS Host and DRS parameters to the Unifier Server Host which is a Win2000 Server.

I have also imported the Drag & Relate Metadata into the R/3 System and when i do a check with spo0 transaction all the settings seem to be ok. settings 1,2,3,4,7 show a Green light and 5,6 show a yellow light. So i assume that the Drag&Relate metadata has been set/Workplace parameters are set in the SAPGUI logon options/Workplace plug in also seems to be fine shows a green light wiht version 500_620.

Problem Description


When i go to the unifier project generator from MMC i can go past the first 2 screens where by it asks for the SQL Server paramterers etc for creating the unifier repository. When i come to the 3rd screen, I enter the following

1. Portal Address

http://<portal host>:50500/irj

(because my portal runs on instance 05)

user name: <portal administrator's user name>

password: <password>

when i hit enter, it shows me the dialog

"Unable to contact the SAP System. contact

your system administrator".

The only problem that i might have right now is that the SSO logon mechanism between the portal and R/3 does not work. but i thought on this 3rd screen in the SAP Unifier project generation wizard, the dialog is supposed to show me the System Aliases from which i need to chose the relevant alias. but it shows the above error.

Any help would be appreciate.

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Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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Please check the MSXML 4.0 it has created problem to me when I have installed it seperately.

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I have made sure that it is MSXML 4.0 SP2 and tried running the sap R/3 unifier project wizard and it shows the same error message. any hints...?

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Did you try the suggestion I mentioned before?

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Yes pascal,

I tried it on the day you mentioned that.

tried all possible URL combinations including the

one that you suggested. i am surprised it just wouldn't move beyond the third step in the R/3 unifier project generation wizard.

any ideas.


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Hello Jake,

You need to enter a SAP userid and Password on the bottom

of the screen, not the portal admin userid.

The portal userid is used on the top.

Hope it helps

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Tried everything. It just doesn't move.

Former Member
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Hi Jake,

I have exacty the same problem as you have described here,

and was wondering what the status of your problem is?

The only help I can offer, that I have not tried yet - since I only just had it suggested to me, is that the admin user's details that you have entered on the top of the window must be valid admin details for both the R3 and EP6 systems...

Good luck,


0 Kudos


1. is the Portal and Unification Server on the same domain? (They should be)

2. Is the system created and configured correctly?

It seems like a problem connecting from the Unification Server to the Portal. try to check domains, users, passwords, System properties (aliases) and so on...

Let me know if this problem still occurs.


0 Kudos

Hi Aviad,

I have that to have a system to unifier configured in SAP Portal to be able to generate a project to unifier(SAP)?

I am having the same problem in the third screen of project generation



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Hi Carlos,

Sorry I could not totally understand your last comment.

In any case, I suggest moving this thread to the new <i>Unification and Connectivity</i> forum which was opened especially for these cases.

Kind regards,


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Did you install the MSXML 4.0 SP2?

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I am running MSXML 4.0 downloaded from Microsoft Website. Does it have to be SP2. pls clarify and if so would be great if you can send me a URL to download the same.

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Here's the url:

Not sure if SP 2 is required but it seems to be latest version and the one that fixed the same problem for me.

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Try specifying only the protocol, hostname and port, so without the '/irj' addition.