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SAP PI Quota/self protection

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Hi all,

lets assume I have two Interfaces connected to one SAP PI.

Interface 1 is sending IDOCs, Interface 2 is sending SOAP messages.

How can I make sure, that if Interface 1 sends 5 mio IDOCs in one shot that there a still enough resources available in PI to handle the messages from Interface 2?

From my experience PI is not doing any load balancing.

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Hello FIlipe,

For interface 1, wherein iDocuments are triggered from SAP ECC with bulk data to SAP PI and this may indeed lead to adapter thread issue. The IDOC threads will be occupied to maximum and all upcoming IDoc messages will be piledup and putforth to 'To be delivered' or 'Delivering' status until the previous message is processed successfully.

To break this you can better inform ABAP Team to set up a IDoc packaging in SAP ECC only to send the IDocuments in batches appropriately.

For interface 2, wherein Wsdl are triggered from a WS-Provider with bulk data to SAP PI over a HTTP/HTTPs and this may indeed lead to adapter thread issue. In this case you can use web dispatcher to do an HTTP/HTTPs load balancing and share the Web dispatcher URL to WS-Provider. WS-Provider can also setup a valid client_max_body_size while the wsdl triggeration(multipart.max-file-size, multipart.max-request-size) You can also have an suitably Adapter threads and Java server nodes based upon your message interface size, landscape..

Thanks and Regards - Rajesh PS