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SAP IRPA 2.0 Screen Capturing Issue With WinSCP Application



I am trying to capture the screens of WinSCP application login page. Able to capture login page ,declared elements as well and while testing using Test application it is showing the declared elements are not found.

Is IRPA bot able to capture such WinSCP applications?

Note: We are doing this implementation in Cloud Studio.

Any information on this is highly appreciated.

PFB attachments,

Thanks in advance,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Hope you are using the latest desktop agent version 2.0.14 and tenant version is 2107.

But as I mentioned in my previous comment, after capturing sub screens ,we still have an issue from Product side for Element recognition and the Product team is already working on it.

Will keep you posted on the status of the issue.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Ideally the Login up has to be captured as Subpage in this scenario. Capturing subpages in CloudStudio has been introduced in 2107.

I tried to replicate the scenario and Host Name is not recognized in Cloud Studio but gets recognized with the same criteria in Desktop Studio. Issue is reported to the Product team. Will get back to you once its fixed.

0 Kudos


Thank you for your support !

I am trying to capture the the login page as subpage as you showed in the image . When I am doing that it is automatically capturing the WinSCP page also along with login page and showing two subpages. I tried deleting the automatically captured page , and the login page is coming as main screen instead of subpage.

Any info on this is helpful.

PFB Screenshots,
