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SAP HANA, express edition + Apps, with Docker - XSA - xsa-jobscheduler - local port

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Hi experts,

I tried to deploy an app to a HANA XSA Docker container and got an error "connection refused" while using a jobscheduler. I think I have to activate a range of ports for the jobscheduler within the docker-compose.yml file, but wasn't able to find the right range in the official SAP TCP/IP Port documentation.

If one of you knows the right range of ports for the jobscheduler, please let me know.

In this case I got two different error msg for the not activated ports 41738, 40270.

Creating service "jobScheduler"...
FAILED: Asynchronous job 'Creating service instance 'jobScheduler' [service: 'jobscheduler', plan:'default'] of [Org 'HANAExpress', Space 'NEURO'].' failed: Provisioning service instance a03a36c3-d8c3-4736-aea0-43ef9bb610f6 (service id xsa-jobscheduler, plan id jobscheduler-srv-default) on service broker "jobscheduler" (at https://hxehost.domain:51030) failed due to unexpected communication issue (no response receieved): Error executing request PUT https://hxehost.domain:51030/v2/service_instances/a03a36c3-d8c3-4736-aea0-43ef9bb610f6?accepts_incom... Connection refused (Connection refused) (local port 40270 to address (hxehost.domain), remote port 51030 to address (hxehost.domain)).

Creating service "jobScheduler"...
FAILED: Asynchronous job 'Creating service instance 'jobScheduler' [service: 'jobscheduler', plan:'default'] of [Org 'HANAExpress', Space 'NEURO'].' failed: Provisioning service instance 0107bb8d-feba-4e6c-87a8-bb3c5f7ad79c (service id xsa-jobscheduler, plan id jobscheduler-srv-default) on service broker "jobscheduler" (at https://hxehost.domain:51030) failed due to unexpected communication issue (no response receieved): Error executing request PUT https://hxehost.domain:51030/v2/service_instances/0107bb8d-feba-4e6c-87a8-bb3c5f7ad79c?accepts_incom... Connection refused (Connection refused) (local port 41738  to address (hxehost.domain), remote port 51030 to address (hxehost.domain)).

Thanks a lot!

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