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SAP Fiori custom analytical query column offset when scrolling (messy data)

0 Kudos

Hello gurus

We have a custom analytical query created based on a custom CDS view (Copy of standard view I_ActualPlanJrnlEntryItemCube)

The query was working fine but recently we noticed some problems in the table display when scrolling as sometimes the columns data get messy:

After scroll:

Is this is a normal behavior ? And if not what's wrong here ?


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If you can replicate this issue with an SAPUI5 supported Browser and Platform you should file an Incident via SAP Support.

0 Kudos

The issue exists in all the browsers.

I tried in the latest versions of all the supported browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Edge) and I have the issue in all of them.

Normally this should have been already pointed out by other users and in SAP notes but I didn't find anything on the web.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Unfortunately too many think " this should have been already pointed out by other users" please file the incident.