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SAP ECC System getting too slow on high load due to SAP PI Web service calls

0 Kudos

Dear all,

I have a business process in which the third party system calls the web service created in SAP PI system which in turn calls the SAP ECC system as backend to serve the response.

The payload data size from the third party software is very high and using that payload data SAP ECC system creates a IS Media Sales Order which takes about 3 minutes to create 2000 schedule lines in it and returns the response.

The time taken to create sales order cannot be optimized more than this because it is created through standard BAPI provided by SAP

Now the time is increasing for creating sales order for 3 or more parallel web service calls coming from SAP PI system. If i say a single call takes 3 minute to create 2000 schedule line order then 3-4 parallel web service calls in SAP ECC system is taking 9-10 minutes to create sales order for each web service call and due to this system is getting too slow to run any transactions.

My question is if only a single web service call from SAP PI system is taking 3 minutes in SAP ECC system to create sales order then why does three or more parallel web service calls take 9-10 minutes for each web service call in SAP ECC system.

Note there was no any SAP user logged in on the SAP ECC system during that time.

The main problem is the scenario discussed was tested in production environment.

Please help me out to find why did system get slow for parallel web service calls.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Dear all,

I have found why did system behave like this on getting parallel web service calls.

Its because of hardware capabilities which was not sufficient. When we added extra resources to the existing hardware like Processor(CPU) and RAM then everything went right and system did not get slow and web services responded as per our expectations.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gautam

Can you clarify if you are using RFC or proxy call to the ECC system?

I'd suggest that you check the timestamp in the audit log of each call. Note down the start and end times of each of the parallel calls at the point when it calls the receiver channel.

If the start time of each call is near one another, then it would most likely mean that the receiver channels are acting in parallel and the delay might be due to the ECC system processing.

If the start time of each call is far apart, i.e. start of second call is after end of first call, then this might indicate queuing on PI side and only 1 call to the receiver channel is being executed at a time.

Once you have a rough idea where the bottleneck is, then you can further zoom in to it.

If the delay is in the ECC system, you will need to get the help of an ABAP colleague to perform a runtime analysis/trace on it. Maybe certain tables are locked during processing, so it only allows sequential processing and not parallel.

Try this out and if you need further help, please provide some more info based on the troubleshooting steps above.


Eng Swee