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SAP API Management Error : Unable to identify proxy for host


I successfully created a API by connecting my backend sap system via SAP Cloud Connector.

When I try to test it, it gives me the below error.

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Unable to identify proxy for host: and url: \/pusertrial\/GWDEMO\/ContactPersonCollection","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ApplicationNotFound" } }}

Anybody has any ideas on what is the issue

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Hello Kulandai.

Unfortunately these problems occur in SAP API Management.

I believe you have already solved this problem, but I recommend anyone who has this problem to make any change to the API PROXY, save and do a new deploy or simply make an undeploy/deploy and it will work again.

Best regards.

Rafael Chagas

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I take 2 learnings from this, one good and another not so good.

1. It is not me, who made a mistake.

2. Our success depends on pure luck. I wasn't lucky today, un/re/deploy did not help me. Maybe I am more lucky tomorrow.


EDIT: and one more learning: I should have stayed with ABAP. This product is far from being complete.

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After multiple attempts where I deleted and reconfigured the API, I found the solution by navigating to Configure -> APIs -> @MyApi -> Proxy Endpoint -> Route Details and deleting the route rule "default."

Testing the call again, I encountered a different error. I restored the route rule with the same values, undeployed, and redeployed, and it worked.

I don't think there is any difference between the initial and final configurations, but I am happy it worked. Never give up!