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Sap analytics cloud user deletion

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I need to delete a user and all its content from SAC.

But in the pop-up that asks me "What would you like to do with the content owned by the selected user?" it seems that I'm forced to transfer contents to another user because there is no "Delete all" option:

It is normal ? What object cannot be deleted and how i can find this objects that lock the deletion of the user?

Also for the this user i try to delete it has neither private file in file folder nor file shared by him to other users.... so:

What object block the deletion of the user ? Where i have to go to ceck if there are private, public, and shared content ? In witch menu' of the Sap analytcs cloud?

Best regards

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There can be other things (artefacts) that the user may have created that aren't stored in a private folder, or even in a public folder. I don't have an exhaustive list, but it could include:

  • a schedule of a publication
  • a currency conversion table
  • a point of interest file
  • something in the calendar

The worst that can happen?

  • if a model loses its owner, then some model operations can't be performed, like importing data from a connection into it (resolved when the model ownership is changed or when a new user with the previous user ID is created. If there's no model in the user's personal folder, then the worst that can happen is the ownership of the publically stored model won't necessarily be what you want it to be.)
  • a deleted (or deactivated) schedule publication will be paused (until the user is reactivated, or a new user with the previous user ID is created)
  • I'm unsure about the consequences of other objects, but I think it would be the ownership won't necessarily be what you want it to be, I don't think there's too much that could go wrong, but I'm not sure.

If the user doesn't have anything in their personal folder then it is safer to delete the user from this perspective, as the user won't be sharing any stories or models that might be consumed by others. It may not be safe for other reasons.

If the user is a manager, you can't delete the user until all the other users reporting to that user have a new manager assigned to them (I have a sample script and scenario 'Scenario M01 - Reassign users of given manager to another' that does this programmatically)

If SAP Analytics Cloud thinks there's something to be transferred to another user, upon user deletion, then it's likely found something. An inspection of the various HTTP request and responses might give a clue, but I'm not sure.

You've raised a great question, by the way, and I hope others can share any findings or insights in this thread.

All the best, Matthew

0 Kudos


thank you for your answer.

I've checked all these objects :

  • a schedule of a pubblication
  • a currency conversion table
  • a point of interest file
  • something in the calendar

But unfortunately the user don't have anything of these objects.

The problem is, as you can understand, ethical and procedural : if i don't know what the system transfers when I delete a user, How can I choose what to do during the user deletion process ?

The system should absolutely show what it is going to transfer because as a system administrator I have to control these things in order to govern the process in the right way.

Do you have any other suggestions ?

0 Kudos


the folder in the system are not erasable ( also if are empty ) . they will be erasable with user deletion ( i think for consistence ). But anyway the system/common/users/ dyrectory is empty.

Any other idea ?

0 Kudos

Hi have cecked also connetion but there is nothing .

Here the screenshoot of the system monitor content filtered by the user:

The folder under system/user is empty.

What else can block the user deletion that i can ceck ?

thank you

Active Contributor
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Try transfering/deleting the folders if these were created by the user even if they are empty.



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claudiorossi_sapJust check if there are any connections created by the user.



0 Kudos

Hi Nikhil Anand

thank you very much for your answer.

I ceck all you have write but i confirm that the user i'm tryng to delete have no files neither privat nor shared. I search in the directory under system and also in system->overview -> content , then i filter by the user that i can't delete but he have only 4 folder but all is empty: i also am logged on with this user ( call this user CASE1 ) and i search in all section files but there is nothing.

In the same situation i have another user ( call this user CASE2 ) but i am able to delete this user without the "delete user" messagge for transfer the content ,because there is no content.

I also ceck all folders and file under "system" with the system owner user but both user have only one directory under common\users CASE1 CASE2 but both this directory are empty... but for CASE1 the system ask me to transfer the content for user CASE2 no!

I am unable to find the difference with this two user. so Ok that the content must be transfered but i must know what the system transfer to ceck this content transfered , BUT THERE IS NOTHING TO TRANSFER or i can't see wath are blocking the deletion.

Do you have any idea ?

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The second option is more plausible as it deletes the private contents by the user. In the File system Admin can do a quick check of all the contents by the user. by putting the name of the user in search console. In SAC you cannot have artifacts without a user. So you need to assign a new user to the public and shared contents created by the to be deleted user. Deleting the public and shared contents might be risky.

2822167 - How to transfer the owner of existing content (e.g. Model) in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) - ...

To get some idea on the content created by user, you can use the the stories delivered under System Overview

You can filter the contents by the user

