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SAC Business Content - Data Action objects not findable

0 Kudos

Hi there,

I imported IFP Business Content in SAC and want to see how SAP build the Data Actions. Many of them i can find within the Story, but not separately as data action objects. I reimported only data actions as well but to no avail.

Are some of them meant to be integrated only within stories? Is it a standard Data action feature or am i missing something.

Best regards


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Dear kashif.abbas,

we changed the file structure of the content, as mentioned in our documentation

As SAC is not automatically moving objects to the new file structure, you will find data actions which were:

  • already available in your SAC tenant in Public > Data Actions
  • imported newly in Public > SAP_Content > SAP_FI_IFP_Financial_Planning

Easiest way to find them is using the search field in the upper right corner.

If you want to get an overview of the existing data actions used in this content, you can also have a look into our documentation, where we listed all data actions per model (see sections <model name> - Content Elements, e.g. Operating Expense Planning - Content Elements)

Does this help?

Best regards

0 Kudos

Hi Susanne,

i tried the easiest way you mentioned before posting the question here.
Lets say i need the following DA. It is available in the story but as you can see, its not available anywhere in the Public Folder.

I was able to see the structure of the DA by editing it in the Story itself, but not as a separate object.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

        Dear kashif.abbas,

        this is really strange!

        Can you please check the following to see where the data action is stored:

        1. Access the respective data action via the data action trigger in the story

        2. in the header area of the data action editor, click on the downward arrow next to the data action ID, then you should be able to see the location

        In this case the location is Public > SAP_Content > SAP_FI_IFP_Financial_Planning > Data Actions

        Can you now see where the data action is located?

        Best regards

        0 Kudos

        Hi Susanne,

        thanks alot for the suggestion. It shows address of "Data Actions" in Public folder. I check the Data Actions folder in IFP Folder too, but certain Data Actions are not there. By the way i have all the user roles too. Strange.

        Atleast i can see how the Data Action is created by editing it in the story itself so for now i am satisfied.

        Product and Topic Expert
        Product and Topic Expert
        0 Kudos

        You should be able to find the IFP data actions either in Public > Data Actions or (the new ones released with 2023.Q3) in Public > SAP_Content > SAP_FI_IFP_Financial_Planning Public > Data Actions.

        If you can't find them in those folders and also not via the search field, you might want to create an SAP incident on component LOD-ANA-HUB.

        Best regards

        0 Kudos

        Hi Susanne,
        i am struggling to import business content Cross-model Add-on for Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud which is related to the IFP Business Content due to following error.
        I am not sure what do they mean by "Cube"? Is it even an SAC Object? Do you have tips on how to eradicate the problem and successfully import the content.

        Product and Topic Expert
        Product and Topic Expert
        0 Kudos

        Dear kashif.abbas,

        Cube means Model, in this case the error message indicates that you're missing models

        • SAP_FI_IFP_IM_OPEX

        Please be aware that the package you want to import is an ADDON package. This means you can import this package in addition to the following packages as it extends their functionality:

        • Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA
        • SAP Human Experience Management(HXM) Workforce Planning
        • Consumer Products Sales Target Planning

        Search for xP&A in the Content Network - Business Content

        You first need to import all three mentioned packages before you can import the Addon package. The Addon package allows you to transfer your plan data from Workforce and Consumer Products planning to Integrated Financial planning.

        Best regards

        One additional remark from my side:
        It's better to create a new question for a new topic. This makes it easier for other users who have the same problem to find the solution.

        Active Contributor
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        kashif.abbasIt depends on few things.

        • did you successfully import the content. You can check that in your notification and you should have a import successful message. This confirms that all objects in that business content were imported.
        • When you import Business content, You generally have the option to choose the folder structure where you want the import to happen. By Default its the Public /SAP_Content. If changed you have to check the folder structure which was chosen.
        • You have the right authorization atleast Read only on the file structure

        Now choose the Business content folder you downloaded and browse it ( folder for each model), You will see a folder for Data Action which should have your data Actions.



        0 Kudos

        Hi Nikhil,

        thanks however i dont see the DAs in the Public folder anywhere as in the screenshot i replied to Susanne comment.