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rImporting transports from production system to training system

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Hello All,

we have charm for 3 system landscape, DS4->QS4->PS1 . QS3 is the training system newly added , but not within charm.

Our requirement is whenever transports are getting added to the import buffer of production PS1 it should also add in the qs3 import buffer and the actual import should happen on QS3 when actual import is completed in PS1.

 QS3 requirement.png

any suggestion or blog will be very much helpful on this 

#charm #transportmanagement

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Customer, I understand your requirement for adding transports to the import buffer of the production system (PS1) and then automatically adding them to the import buffer of the QS3 system before the actual import in PS1 is completed. To achieve this requirement, you may need to set up cross-system transport requests and use SAP Change Request Management (also known as ChaRM) and transport management tools in SAP Solution Manager. One way to achieve this is by setting up a transport route from PS1 to QS3, so that whenever a transport is released in PS1, it is automatically added to the import buffer of QS3. Then, you can set up a workflow or process within SAP ChaRM to trigger the actual import on QS3 once the import on PS1 is completed. Unfortunately, I don't have a specific blog or article to reference for this exact requirement. However, I recommend referring to SAP's official documentation on ChaRM and transport management, as well as contacting SAP support or consulting with a certified SAP consultant to help you set up this specific scenario. Additionally, you may also want to explore SAP Community forums or SAP blogs to see if there are any discussions or articles addressing similar requirements or use cases related to cross-system transport management with SAP ChaRM. Best regards, Vera Jiang