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RFC Adaptive Model Questions

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have some questions about RFC Adaptive Model in Web Dynpro:

1)Can I add a new RFC into a Model without recreating that?

2)There’s a way to WebDynpro don’t lost de mapped attributes like an input field that’s mapped to an import parameter of a RFC? Because all the times that I change the Model and recreate that, my application lost the link between Controller and View and it’s generate a lot of work to redo this manually.



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If you want to change the R/3 settings i mean backend model source deatils then you can open content Administrator and change the Jco settings .

Regards, VIP

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Former Member
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Thanks VIP. I don't pay attention that in Re-import options I can add new RFC models.

But I have another question, if I want to change the RFC Modeldata and Metadata, how can I do that without deleting/recreating my Model?


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If you reimport the model then it should add new ModalClass automatically.

Reimport will takecare of updatting existing ModelClasses as well as importing new model classes

I feel reimport-webservice model is still under development

Regars, VIP

Former Member
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About RFC models, if I have this schema:





If I want to add a new RFC to this model (ZRFC_D), I can't do that. In this case I want to create a new Model with the ZRFC_D right?

When I import a Web Services Model and I have made some changes in Web Services, I don't have a Re-import option enabled like RCC models. What can I do in this case?



Former Member
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1. You can add new RFC into model without recreating.

2. If you delete the model then model bindings will get lost.So it always better to reimport RFC always.

If you delete and recreate a model using RFC importer , you need rebind the model once again.

Regards, VIP

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Manoel,

Do u want to import same RFC again in the same model?

If yes, then just go for reimport model by right clicking on the desired model.

If y want to import new RFC FM then create new Model without touching old model.

Am i understood uy question properly?

Let me know.
