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REST API iFlows not shown using IntegrationPackages('{package id}')/IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts

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Hi together

i want to get all my iflows for some quality check and reporting purposes and i am using first the API https://{tenant} to get all packages and then i am reading in a loop package by package using the API https://{tenant}'{package id}')/IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts

This works perfect for all iflows of type "Integration Flow". Unfortunately i have not found any API to get me a list of iflows of type "REST API", here i am getting only this result:

Usually between line 9 and 10 you get for each iflow that is in that package then an XML entry called "entry" containing the metadata and access URLs to download it.

I can download the full package via the API https://{tenant}'{package id}')/$value and get a Zip that i can extract - looks like this:

After renaming the first 3 files to suffix ".zip" i can also unpack those, too and get the iflow here:

But i am wondering if there is maybe a smarter way to get those files - maybe it's also a bug in the API for IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts?

Thanks for anybody who can help here

BR Helmut

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I got a feedback from SAP - the described API is only covering iFlow, ValueMappings and ODATA APIs, but not REST APIs.

the relevant documentation is found here:

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Helmut

That IntegrationPackages('MyPackage')/IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts API call returns iflow artifacts, specifically. So even though REST API artifacts are actually iflows, it's a different artifact type, that isn't supported by the API yet. I'm sure it will be at some point.



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Thanks 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a - i was thinking about this already, however i was wondering if there is another API I should use instead? Or would be the only way to fetch the REST API-iflows using the flow mentioned in the bottom of my question (Get all Artifacts as Zip, and fetch the iflows from there?)

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Hi helmut.skolaut3

I don't think there is an API yet for it, so for now, you probably need to go with the workaround you discovered, even though it is a bit more cumbersome.



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Thanks for your feedback. I have opened an incident at SAP in parallel - i would still say it's a bug and not an intended behavior. The Service called "IntegrationDesignArtifacts" and not "IntegrationFlow" - for me an REST API and a ODATA API is also an Integration Design Artifact. Let's see, when SAP Support is responding, as usual it takes days until someone is able to respond.

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Let us know how it works out, helmut.skolaut3.



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I've the same problem and I'm waiting for a solution. Is there any progress to report?