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Report Not working on 2nd time ,back and execute on selection screen

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I have report like on selection screen 2 radio buttons are there 'Summary' & 'Report' and on 2nd radio button there are group of 11 radio buttons. On each of these 11 radio buttons, ALV report will be displayed.

My question is when I am executing report for the first time , it is getting executed properly. But when I click back button from report output and select another radio button and try to execute, it is not displaying any output.

What will be issue here and In which event I need to make changes ?

Code Snippet : I have written code for 11 radio buttons like below.

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You didn't provide the code which concerns the part between execution request and ALV display, so you can understand that it's impossible to help.

Moreover, please debug a little bit, and tell us the result of your analysis.

0 Kudos

In this same report, I am facing another issue like when I am trying to execute Radio Button 1 : Report, It is not showing any ALV. In debug , I can see the internal table filled with values.

Here is the code snippet :

  REFRESH : it_report[].

  wa_report-name = 'Debtors'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_deb.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Advance given to Creditors'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_adc.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Advance given to special SPV'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_spv.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Retention Money'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_rm.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'GST Receivable'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_gst_rec.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Stocks at Site'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_ss.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Work in Progress'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_wip.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'Creditors'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_cre.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'GR/I'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_gr_ir.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  wa_report-name = 'provision'.
  wa_report-wrbtr = gv_pro.
  APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
  CLEAR wa_report.

  REFRESH : it_fieldcat[].
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'NAME'.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m   = 'Report Name'.
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 1.
  wa_fieldcat-outputlen     = 25.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
  CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.

  wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'WRBTR'.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m   = 'Amount'.
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 2.
  wa_fieldcat-just     = 'L'.
  wa_fieldcat-outputlen     = 20.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
  CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.

      i_callback_program = sy-repid
      i_grid_title       = 'Summary of All Reports'
      it_fieldcat        = it_fieldcat
      i_save             = 'A'
      t_outtab           = it_report.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
0 Kudos

Issue got resolved , I added 'CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 1000.' at the end of each radio button code (perform).

So that selection screen got activated again after 1st execution and I am able to select and execute report with any other radio button.

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Please add the solution as answer and mark the question as solved. This may help others in the future.

Kind regards,

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