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Replace SAP logo in status line in the new Signature Design (SAPgui 7.10)

0 Kudos


with SAPgui 7.10 there is a new desing available, the Signature Design. Recently a customer asked me, if it is possible to replace the small SAP logo in the middle of the status line (at the bottom of the SAP window) with another image.

I don't know this, has anyone an answer for me?

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Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Yes, that's right. For the Enjoy Design, the pictures can easily replaced, because they are BMP in a local folder of the SAPgui installation directory.

I took also a look in the local folders by myself, but I coulnd't find the images of the Signature Design there.

So, it must be another way (or no way...)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Michael

I have the same question with yours. do you find the solution?


0 Kudos

No sulution available. But with SAPgui 7.30 it is possible to use a customer specific picture in the header line. This is also nice.

Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks for your information.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I doubt so (although I don´t know 100 %).

The bottom SAP image has the same functionality as before in the right upper corner (you can doubleclick it to send support messages to SolMan system). You couldn´t change the right upper corner image.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Markus,

in SAPGui 6.40, you could change the upper right image by replacing sapalogo.bmp in the local sagui-folder. Not sure for later releases, but i think it should be possible.



I don't know how to change the logo in the status-bar, as i don't have GUI 7.10 installed here.