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Real Time Replication Task - Oracle 11g -> HANA - Error converting DECIMAL value

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Hi, I'm facing problems while replicating data from my Oracle 11g Database to my Hana Database (SAP HANA Version I'm using DP Agent version 2.0 and OracleLogReader.

I've got an Oracle table which has type field DECIMAL (20,4). It has been mapped as DECIMAL(20,4), as you can see in the attached picture below:

I've manged to replicate around 1 million records and, at first, it worked. However, after a while I've noticed the following error message in the Monitoring UI:

Failed to process or send log operation(s). Error: Error processing operation <0006.7f06a672.0000:0001.00000578.0000212d.0010> for table <MY_SCHEMA>.<MY_ORACLE_TABLE> because the value <12885,75> for column <MY_COLUMN_DECIMAL> with datatype <NUMBER> could not be determined. The operation locator is <000000067f06a67200000001000005780000212d001000067f068bfe00000001>. Please contact SAP Technical Support for assistance.

As you have probably noticed, my Oracle Database uses the character "," to separate decimals (Oracle NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS set to Brazilian standards) .

Apparently SDI Replication Task doesn't understand that, throws an error and everything stop working.

Is the a way to solve this problem without any modification in my Oracle Database?

Thank you!

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