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ras21-core: Caught CWireObject::PropError

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Hi, we run BOE 4.2SP3P3 on a single node environment. Default installation shows "ras21-core: Caught CWireObject::PropError" around 5.000 times a day when running CR2016 reports by 2 persons.

It's accompanied by this one "cr2016proc_SAPBOPRD.CrystalReports2016ProcessingServer_child_CRPE13,assert failure: (.\\rasprocUtil.cpp:2916). (0 : Missing universe info property bag.)."

Has someone seen this "error"?

Thx, Stephan

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Hi we have the same issue. we have configurerd sso with kerberos.

If we are logged on with sso then we got this error, and the user is locked in bw. if we logon with the sap account the reports isrunning.

the workaround is that we restart the bi SIA service, and then its working with both accounts (WinAD, BW).

we are on BI 4.2 SP3 patch5.

I found also this message in the log:

|4d373177-a24c-0734-39b4-f8ad3160b1e6|2017 11 02 13:52:49:319|+0100|Error| |>>|E| |cr2016proc_BOP1.CrystalReports2016ProcessingServer_child_CRPE1| 4660|9024|| |98|0|4|0|BIlaunchpad.WebApp|hal-nt-bop1:15088:849.29780:1||localhost:4660:8704.2248:1|RequestSubsystem.PageChildThread|localhost:4660:9024.2103:2|Cno6drFddEJ0lteOt8EtJdE7452|||||||||||assert failure: (.\rasprocSubsystem.cpp:737). (false : Document has user specific property, but relying on core security and document content not user specific!).?

Regards Stefan